- 1
- 1
- 1
Latvian ISO code is 'LVA' and not 'LVS'
#122 opened by samsonradu - 4
Some Chinese sentences are detected as Japanese
#84 opened by kewang - 1
- 1
Wrong when recognizing Vietnamese
#119 opened by hoanganhdev57 - 3
Franc doesnt work in TypeScript
#116 opened by qertis - 2
Make available for commonJs
#102 opened by hamishjohnson - 0
BCI language code
#113 opened by webdev778 - 1
How can I do the same thing on html?
#112 opened by adoin - 1
Not working for single words like "Hello"
#111 opened by Vedpandya - 19
Improved accuracy for small documents
#100 opened by fabiospampinato - 1
- 5
Problem to detect language
#109 opened by corsaronero - 1
Link in README broken
#107 opened by titanism - 0
#106 opened by qaautomateio - 1
Package update for 5.0.0
#105 opened by 5d-jh - 2
How to generate data.js in franc packages
#104 opened by vuongnv-0085 - 15
- 2
- 1
Regular Expression Denial of Service in trim
#101 opened by sgadekar81 - 1
the official example of `only` not working
#99 opened by Megrax - 1
How can I install normally?
#97 opened by emresaracoglu - 3
"only" parameter returns always score = 1
#96 opened by dbuchet - 3
Adding a language
#95 opened by Mejans - 3
Probability normalization
#89 opened by fabiospampinato - 0
Make a test
#94 opened by Lisennk - 3
Norwegian detected as Deutch
#92 opened by evenfrost - 3
Language detection error!
#91 opened by tailot - 1
Invalid results for English
#90 opened by evenfrost - 3
Bias towards small languages
#66 opened by bittlingmayer - 1
Link broken
#88 opened by d668 - 3
Use semver
#87 opened by xamgore - 2
franc.all returning [ 'und', 1 ] for a language contained in the main franc package
#82 opened by jamezening - 8
- 1
empty string locks up CLI
#85 opened by rpeg - 2
Typescript error? with only
#80 opened by jamezening - 1
Wrong detection
#81 opened by MadGhigno - 10
Reference of source document
#78 opened by DonaldTsang - 2
Multiple cross-references in the ReadME
#79 opened by DonaldTsang - 8
Make MAX_LENGTH an options parameter
#76 opened by porkopek - 7
Some Japanese are detected as Chinese mandarin
#63 opened by ThisIsRoy1 - 4
Add support for Maghrebi Arabic
#75 opened by imedadel - 1
The Kabyle [kab] language.
#74 opened by anzart - 3
blackList is ignored
#70 opened by d668 - 3
Is there json data with language codes and names
#69 opened by d668 - 3
detection errors
#68 opened by d668 - 1
Support Java implementation
#67 opened by kelvin-dev - 1
Why does this text think this is in french?
#65 opened by roasten - 3
Add Words to a certain language
#64 opened by tomerb15