Goblin Combat
Goblin Combat is an RPG game made for the popular instant-messaging platform, Discord. Conquer dungeons with friends, level up, earn loot, and customize yourself!
Server ID
Goblin Combat has a very straight forward setup. It requires two things: a Discord server in which you are an admin, and a Discord Bot token. You can set up a new Discord Bot on https://discord.com/developers/applications.
Once you've made a new bot, reset the token and save it.
Game Channel ID
This is the channel where the main gameplay will happen, such as where dungeons will spawn. To get the channel's ID, right click on it and select 'Copy ID' (You may need to enable developer options in Settings > Advanced)
Screen Updates ID
Due to limitations with how discord embeds work, embeded messages must use a URL in order to update images. The simplest way around this is to simply send all updated images to a separate text channel. You will want to give restricted access to this channel, and possibly even mute it yourself. (Trust me, you will want to)
Grabbing the ID is the same as for the Game Channel ID.
Final Notes
That's basically it! Hopefully you enjoy playing with your server! This version is currently in a pretty early beta, so any issues sould be sent via the g!report command.