What's 'eco-translations'?

This repository contains community-driven proposed translations for the website Eco.com, the already submitted languages are:


How can you be involved?

Some ways for you to be involved are to find a broken link and fix it, suggest better translations, make translations to a language that is not available yet, or give your feedback and let the community know how to improve the workflow. Here's a list of who's contributing to each translation:

Languages Maintainers (discord's username) Status
Korean @billionaireW completed
Russian @Sergio [Nodes.Guru] & @passenger completed
French @jeremie & @Redallica work in progress
Portuguese (Portugal) @Saulo work in progress

How to suggest a new translation

Are you familiar with GitHub? You can directly submit a pull request this way:

For example, if you want to suggest a translation to this page in Spanish you can:

  • Create an es folder at the root of this project
  • Create an articles folder inside the es folder
  • Create a 4620326-is-my-eco-account-covered-by-the-fdic folder inside es/articles
  • From your terminal go to the es/articles/4620326-is-my-eco-account-covered-by-the-fdic folder and make a copy of the official page with the following command
    wget https://support.eco.com/en/articles/4620326-is-my-eco-account-covered-by-the-fdic
  • Rename the downloaded file to index.html
  • Translate the text inside the index.html file
  • Submit a pull request so other community members can check and verify your translation
  • Once your pull request is approved, the page will be visible at https://eco-translations.github.io/es/articles/4620326-is-my-eco-account-covered-by-the-fdic

How to add the non-official warning disclaimer

You can copy this line of code and insert it at the end of the index.html file you created:

<script src="/website-translations/inject-warning-header.js"></script>