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Control Engineering with Python


Two options:


  1. Introduction to Control Engineering (30 min) (HTML, PDF)

  2. Introduction to Dynamical Systems (HTML, PDF, notebook).

    • ODEs: definitions, numerical schemes, vizualisation (30 min).

    • Well-posedness of IVPs (30 min).

    • Asymptotic behavior (30 min)

  3. Linear-Time Invariant Systems (HTML, PDF, notebook)

    • Linearization, state-space model (30 min)

    • Solutions of LTI systems, asymptotic stability (30 min)

    • I/O Behavior, Laplace domain, I/O stability (30 min)

  4. Controllers (HTML, PDF, notebook)

    • Controllability (1h)

    • Controller design: pole assignement & optimal control (1h)

  5. Observers (HTML, PDF, notebook)

    • Observability (1h)

    • Observer design: pole assignment & optimal filtering (1h)

  6. Application to mobile robotics (3h)

    • Lagrangian mechanics

    • Kinematic models of mobile robots

    • Control of mobile robots


Extra resources

Animation of dynamical systems

Example notebook: double pendulum

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.