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Moodable is an Android depression sensing Application developed by Alex Perucic, Damon Ball, Anabella Isaro, and Ada Dogrucu.
The project was created as part of a Major Qualifying Project at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The app was built on Android Studio 3.0.1, and primarily tested on a Nexus 5 API 23 x86 virtual device.
No external libraries or dependencies were used.
The app is guaranteed to run on Android Studio 3.0.1 on an API 23+ Android device, on both Windows and Mac OS.
No installation is necessary, simply importing the project in Android Studio through "File -> New -> Import Project" will work.
If errors arise after importing, invalidating the cache (File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart) and then cleaning the project build (Build -> Clean Project) should fix any issues.
Logo vector by: Whale by Christopher T. Howlett from the Noun Project, (CC)