

Korean English Description
호텔 property a hotel
객실 room a physical room
객실 유형 room type a type of room, e.g. "Deluxe King"
날짜별 객실 유형 요금 price chart the pricing of a room type on a given day
요금별 객실 유형 재고 room rate bucket quantity of rooms offered at a particular rate
객실 요금 room rate a room rate
예약 reservation a reservation of a room type for a range of days
일별 예약 요금 reserved rate one for each day of reservation
체크인 check in a room is assigned to the guest
체크아웃 check out the status of the room is available
고객 customer who can make reservations
투숙객 guest makes reservations and stays at hotels
호텔 운영자 hotel operator defines properties and pricing
직원 front desk employee checks in and out guests

Identify system operations

System operations

Story Command Queries
Create room type createRoomType(name, description)
Create property createProperty(name, address, rooms)
Create room rate createRoomRate(propertyId, name, price) - findProperties()
Set prices setPrice(propertyId, date, roomType, [(quantity, roomRateId1), …]) - findProperties()
- findRoomTypesForProperty(propertyId)
- findRoomRatesForProperty(propertyId)
Make reservation createReservation(property, roomType, stayDateRange, dailyRoomRates, guest) - findAvailableProperties(address, stayDateRange)
- findAvailableRoomsAndRates(propertyId, stayDateRange)
Check in checkIn(reservationId, roomNumber) - findReservations(propertyId, searchCriteria)
- findAvailableRooms(reservationId)
Check out checkOut(reservationId) - findReservations(propertyId, searchCriteria)



Operation createRoomType(name, description)
Preconditions room type with that name does not exist
Postconditions a room type was created


Operation createProperty(name, address, rooms)
Preconditions - has valid room types
- should be no duplicate room numbers
Postconditions a property was created


Operation createRoomRate(propertyId, name, price)
Preconditions room rate with that name does not exist at the property
Postconditions a room rate was created


Operation setPrice(propertyId, date, roomType, [(quantity, roomRateId1), …])
Preconditions - valid property
- a date in the future
- valid room type at the property
- valid room rate and quantity pairs
Postconditions a price chart was created


Operation createReservation(property, roomType, stayDateRange, dailyRoomRates, guest)
Preconditions - valid credit card
- a stay date range that is not in the past
- valid property
- valid room type at the property
- room rate bucket should remain for the stay date range
Postconditions - a reservation was created
- a room rate bucket has been reduced


Operation checkIn(reservationId, roomNumber)
Preconditions - valid reservation
- valid credit card
- the room is available
Postconditions - the room is assigned to the guest
- the state of the guest is checked in


Operation checkOut(reservationId)
Preconditions valid credit card
Postconditions - the state of the room is available
- the state of the guest is checked out
- the guest's credit card is charged


Query Description
findProperties(searchCriteria) Returns the list of properties
findRoomTypesForProperty(propertyId) Returns the list of room types for the specified properties
findAvailableProperties(address, stayDateRange) Returns the list of properties near the address that have availability for the specified stay date range
findAvailableRoomsAndRates(propertyId, stayDateRange) Returns the available room rates for the specified property and stay date range
findReservations(propertyId, searchCriteria) find the reservations for a property that match the search criteria

Define subdomains

Property Management

Name Property Management
Responsibilities manages information about properties
Collaborations external address validation and geocoding service
Type Supporting
Complexity Simple
Key aggregates Property

Reservation Management

Name Reservation Management
Responsibilities manages information about reservations
Type Core
Complexity Complicated
Key aggregates Reservation

Check In and Out Management

Name Check In and Out Management
Responsibilities - executes check in and out
- manages available rooms
Type Supporting
Complexity Simple
Key aggregates Room

Payment Management

Name Payment Management
Responsibilities makes payment
Type Generic
Complexity Simple
Key aggregates CreditCard

Group subdomains into services

Properties Management Service

  • Property Management

Reservation Management Service

  • Reservation Management
  • Check In and Out Management

Payment Management Service

  • Payment Management

Design system operations

Command Service Implementation
createRoomType() Properties Management Service Local
createProperty() Properties Management Service Local
createRoomRate() Reservation Management Service Local
setPrice() Reservation Management Service Local
createReservation() Reservation Management Service Local
checkIn() Reservation Management Service Local
checkOut() Reservation Management Service Saga

Design system queries

Query Implementation
findProperties() Properties Management Service
findRoomTypesForProperty() Properties Management Service
findAvailableProperties() API Composition
findAvailableRoomsAndRates() Reservation Management Service
findReservations() Reservation Management Service

Saga design


    actor operator as hotel operator
    participant property as Properties Management Service
    participant reservation as Reservation Management Service
    operator->>property: createProperty()
    property->>property: check has valid room types
    property->>property: should be no duplicate room numbers
    property->>property: craete property
    property->>reservation: publish RoomCreatedEvent
    property->>property: create room


    actor customer
    participant reservation as Reservation Management Service
    participant payment as Payment Management Service
    participant property as Properties Management Service
    customer->>reservation: createReservation()
    reservation->>payment: check valid credit card
    reservation->>reservation: check a stay date range that is not in the past
    reservation->>property: check valid property
    reservation->>property: check valid room type at the property
    reservation->>reservation: check room rate bucket should remain for the stay date range
    reservation->>reservation: create a reservation
    reservation->>reservation: reduce a a room rate bucket


    actor employee as front desk employee
    participant reservation as Reservation Management Service
    participant payment as Payment Management Service
    employee->>reservation: checkIn()
    reservation->>reservation: check valid reservation
    reservation->>reservation: check the room is available
    reservation->>payment: check valid credit card
    reservation->>reservation: assign the room to the guest
    reservation->>reservation: change the state of the guest as checked in


    subgraph reservation ["Reservation Management Service"]
    checkOut["1. checkOut()"]
    roomToAvailable["3. changeToAvailableRoom()"]
    guestCheckOut["4. checkOutGuest()"]
    subgraph broker ["Message broker"]
    reservationEvents(["Reservation events"])
    paymentEvents(["Payment events"])
    subgraph payment ["Payment Service"]
    chargeCreditCard["2. chargeCreditCard()"]
    reservation--Checked out-->reservationEvents
    actor employee as front desk employee
    participant reservation as Reservation Management Service
    participant payment as Payment Management Service
    participant SAGA
    employee->>reservation: checkOut()
    reservation->>reservation: check a checked-in guest
    reservation->>payment: check valid credit card
    reservation->>SAGA: request charge the guest's creadit card
    SAGA-->>payment: notify Saga Created
    payment->>payment: charge the guest's credit card
    payment->>SAGA: guest's credit card is charged
    SAGA->>reservation: notify Saga Finished
    reservation->>reservation: finish payment
    reservation-->>employee: thx
    reservation->>reservation: change the state of the room as available
    reservation->>reservation: change the state of the guest as check out