

Primary LanguageHTML


  1. 这个仓库是博客的源码,真正博客展示的内容在woowyl.github.io

  2. woowyl.github.io 内容是靠本仓库的代码通过hexo生成,并推送到以上仓库

  3. 生成步骤

    1. 下载本项目到本地 git clone git@github.com:woowyl/hexoblog_source.git
    2. cd hexoblog_source
    3. npm install
    4. 新建并发布文章到github page:
      hexo new post POST_NAME  //也可在 /source/_posts/ 目录下直接新建
      hexo serve // run hexo in local environment
      hexo clean && hexo deploy // hexo will push the static files automatically into the specific branch(gh-pages) of your repo!

Ported Theme of Hux Blog, Thank Huxpro for designing such a flawless theme. Thanks kaijun for create this hexo project.