
GoSmartCloud, LLC website: using vanilla javascript, node.js, express, and Microsoft Azure for Continuous Delivery deployment to Github

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GoSmartCloud, LLC is a start-up cloud consulting company that consults with other companies to help them set up, watch, utilize Cloud platform such as MS Azure, Oracle, and AWS.

This website was created in pure Vanilla JS, node.js (express), jQuery and deployed and configured with MS Azure. It is still in a development phase.

To access this site, check out GoSmartCloud, LLC.

To run the code locally...

  1. Clone on terminal or (download the file)
  • git clone https://github.com/wooyounghong/gsc.git
  1. Open it on your Code Editor
  2. Install the dependencies with terminal
  • npm install
  1. Start the server on your terminal at the root folder
  • npm run start
  1. Open your browser and write this url
  • localhost:3000