- React (16.x)
- Webpack (4.x)
- Typescript (3.x)
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) using React Hot Loader (4.x)
- Babel (7.x)
- Jest - Testing framework for React applications
- Production build script
- Image loading/minification using Image Webpack Loader
- Typescript compiling using Awesome Typescript Loader (5.x)
- Prettier
- Code quality (linting) for Typescript and SASS/CSS.
- Husky for git hooks.
- Clone/download repo
brew install watchman
npm install
- Install prettier for VS Code
- Set VS Code to format on save
npm run start
- Build app continuously (HMR enabled)
- App served @
// Basic Usage
npm run gen branchOfStateName actionName
// For components/pages:
npm run gen components/componentName actionName
// Create multiple actions at once:
npm run gen branchOfState actionOne actionTwo actionThree
npm run start-prod
- Build app once (HMR disabled)
- App served @