
Starter kit for React, Webpack (with Hot Module Replacement), Typescript, Redux, and Babel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Redux Typescript Starter


  1. Clone/download repo
  2. brew install watchman
  3. npm install
  4. Install prettier for VS Code
  5. Set VS Code to format on save



npm run start

  • Build app continuously (HMR enabled)
  • App served @ http://localhost:8080

Generating Redux Files

// Basic Usage
npm run gen branchOfStateName actionName

// For components/pages:
npm run gen components/componentName actionName

// Create multiple actions at once:
npm run gen branchOfState actionOne actionTwo actionThree


npm run start-prod

  • Build app once (HMR disabled)
  • App served @ http://localhost:3000