
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookOtherNOASSERTION


This repository is open sourced as specified in the LICENSE file. It is Apache License 2.0.

Main CHOPCHOP branch MASTER is usually up to date with chopchop.cbu.uib.no. For CHOPCHOPv2 check out code from branch CHOPCHOPv2.


CHOPCHOP is a python script that allows quick and customizable design of guide RNA. We support selecting target sites for CRISPR/Cas9, CRISPR/Cpf1, TALEN and NICKASE with wide range of customization. We even support Cas13 for isoform targeting.


Please, create separate environment for CHOPCHOP using virtualenv to easly manage dependencies. This is important step, as some dependencies may break your system!

  • Python - We operate on 2.7
  • Biopython module
  • Python libraries: pandas, numpy, pickle, scipy, argparse, MySQLdb (if you intend to use our SQL database)
  • Additionally Python library scikit-learn==0.18.1 if you want to make use of --scoringMethod DOENCH_2016, otherwise latest version is ok. This older version is required because models from Doench et al. 2016 have been saved with this particular version.
  • Additionally Python library keras + np_utils, with theano backend if you want to use KIM et al 2018 model for Cpf1 efficiency
  • Bowtie - included, but may require compilation for your operating system
  • twoBitToFa - included
  • svm_light - included, but may require compilation for your operating system, necessary only with option --scoringMethod CHARI_2015, only working for mm10 and hg19 genomes with NGG or NNAGAAW PAMs, otherwise returns zeros
  • ViennaRNA - only if you want to use crisproff (Alkan et al. 2018, Genome Biology) energy model predictions, make sure you have RNAfold accessible for running
  • primer3 - included
  • CHOPCHOP script will need a table to look up genomic coordinates if you want to supply names of the genes rather than coordinates. To get example genePred table:
    • Select organism and assembly
    • Select group: Genes and Gene Predictions
    • Select track: RefSeq Genes or Ensemble Genes
    • Select table: refFlat or ensGene
    • Select region: genome
    • Select output format: all fields from selected table
    • Fill name with extension ".gene_table' e.g. danRer10.gene_table
    • Get output
  • Download *.2bit compressed genome
    • Select organism in complete annotation sets section
    • Select Full data set
    • download *.2bit file
  • Create fasta version of genome by running twoBitToFa on *.2bit file
  • Make bowtie compressed version of genome using your new *.fasta file
  • Copy config.json and create config_local.json file, replace paths with your own for .2bit genome files, bowtie (.ewbt) genome files and *.gene_table files
  • Make sure all these files and programs have proper access rights
  • Have fun using CHOPCHOP as a script

It is also possible to download current database and all genomes (and transcriptomes) that are used on CHOPCHOP websites instead of creating your own files. All available chopchop genomes are downloadable. Isoform folder with isoform related indexes and .mt files with local structure is here. To build your own local structure you will have to have same structure as we have on the website, every genome gets its own folder, every transcript has its own file:

To get transcriptome I use approach of gtf > genePred > bed > transcriptome. Utility scripts for that can be found on the UCSC servers e.g. here.

From gtf to genePred
gtfToGenePred -genePredExt -geneNameAsName2 gencode.v29.annotation.gtf hg38.genePred or from gff3 to genePred
gff3ToGenePred -geneNameAttr=gene_name gencode.v34.annotation.gff3 hg38.genePred Also, potentially remove confusing transcript indexes in the first column with
awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" } { gsub(/\.[^.]*$/, "", $1) }1' hg38.genePred > hg38_fixed.genePred

To make .gene_table format make sure your genePred file contains these columns, if not add them at the top of the file (they should be tab delimited):
echo -e "name\tchrom\tstrand\ttxStart\ttxEnd\tcdsStart\tcdsEnd\texonCount\texonStarts\texonEnds\tscore\tname2\tcdsStartStat\tcdsEndStat\texonFrames" | cat - hg38v34.genePred > hg38v34_fix.genePred

Also the name or name columns are what you will have to be using for identification of your gene targets, if you have indexes or you don't like your names, process them at this moment. Finally, just renaming .genePred extension to .gene_table will allow you to have regular annotation ready for CHOPCHOP script.

When using CHOPCHOP for targeting isoforms (e.g. Cas13a, option --isoforms) one needs also to create transcript version of .fasta file, where each new description line is describing name of the isoform and following sequence is the sequence of the isoform, reverse complemented if necessary. This can be easily achieved with bedtools getfasta e.g.

genePredToBed your_input.genePred output.bed
bedtools getfasta -fi your_genome.fa -bed above_output.bed -nameOnly -s -split -fo transcriptome.fa

Bowtie indexes of transcriptome files should also be created. In this situation all possible guides for given isoform will be created, and mismatches will be checked against the transcriptome. Additionally column "Constitutive" will indicate True when guide is conserved in the whole family of isoforms of the gene, and False otherwise. Also, column "IsoformsMM0" will contain names of the isoforms (of target isoform gene family) that are also targeted by the guide with 0 mismatches. Column MM0 will contain number of off-targets with 0 mismatches, but without counting of-targets on the same isoform family.

With the above you will have a transcriptome file which you will have to build indexes for, for the moment genome file in form of .2bit is still required by CHOPCHOP script, therefore make sure to have them in the isoform folder. Regular search of target will happen on the genome level although off-target search will happen on transcriptome level.

It is also possible for --isoforms mode to use base pairing probability as efficiency, for this you need to set up a folder with .mt files. To create .mt files you can use ViennaRNA package and run:

 RNAplfold < your_tx_file.fa

Afterwards use mountain.pl script (located at the top level of chopchop) to create .mt files, for e.g.

for filename in $1/*.ps; do  
	./mountain.pl < $filename > "$2/$(basename "$filename" _dp.ps).mt"  

And finally set he path to those .mt files in config_local.json. It is important to name folder the same way you named the genome files, and transcript files. You can check how its set up on chopchop website or download files from there directly.

Latest SQL database is also available in the folder named e.g. chopchop_dev_20180427.sql, you can use this databse instead of .gene_table files. To use database you would have to install yourself MySQL, and have MySQL python package installed, then you can try to import database with something like:

mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE chopchop_dev;
CREATE USER 'chopchop'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'chopchop'@'localhost';
mysql -u chopchop -p chopchop_dev < /path/to/downloaded/sql/database/chopchop_dev.sql

After database was set up you can start using it by adding parameter --database e.g. chopchop:your password@localhost/chopchop_dev.


Efficiency scores are programmed so that when they fail, they will not print errors and exit, but rather assume efficiencies of 0 and proceed. Therefore if you see your efficiency score has all zeros in efficiency column it probably means something is not properly installed for this scoring method to work.

Run example:

List gRNAs using default values for CRIPR/Cas9 for chr10:1000000-1001000, with genome named danRer10 and put results in directory temp:

./chopchop.py -G danRer10 -o temp -Target chr10:1000000-1001000

List gRNAs using default values for CRIPR/Cas9 for gene NM_144906, with genome named hg19 and put results in directory temp:

./chopchop.py -G hg19 -o temp -Target NM_144906

To imitate output from the website you can use template below to get similar results, but closely examine options on the website and adjust settings below. Many options on the website do not have exactly the same name, but read the descriptions of each parameter. For the website chopchop.cbu.uib.no it is possible to get almost all parameters of your query (without database) by simply visiting "http://valenvm.cbu.uib.no/results/YOUR_RUN_ID/query.json".

chopchop.py -J -P -T 1 -M NGG --maxMismatches 3 -g 20  --scoringMethod DOENCH_2016  -f NN --backbone AGGCTAGTCCGT --replace5P GG  -G hg38  -t CODING -n N  -R 4  -3 'PRODUCT_SIZE_MIN=150,PRODUCT_SIZE_MAX=290,PRIMER_MIN_SIZE=18,PRIMER_MAX_SIZE=25,PRIMER_OPT_SIZE=22,PRIMER_MIN_TM=57,PRIMER_MAX_TM=63,PRIMER_OPT_TM=60' -A 290 -a 20 --rm1perfOff -o temporary/ your_gene_name > temporary/results.txt 2> temporary/python.err

Also, to make sure that chopchop will prefer to create output in case where one of the machine learning alghoritms fails (we are trying to use other authors code without many changes) we are outputing zeros in the Efficiency columns when that happens. Therefore if you see Efficiency column being all zeros, it probably means you might not have properly installed packages required by that alghoritm e.g. DOENCH_2016 or KIM_2018.

In cases where you see differences in off-targets between website and your own installation of CHOPCHOP, make sure that you are using the same verson of the genome and bowtie indexes as the website. Genomes and indexes are available here.

Additionally we include:

control_guides.py - script to find CRSIPR Cas9/Cpf1 guides that do not map to selected genome, follow specific GC content, have no self-complementarity or complementarity to the backbone and are filtered for supplied list of restriction sites

./control_guides.py /path/to/bowtie/index/of/the/genome --PAM TTN --type Cas9 --how_many 400 --g_len 20 --restrict BbsI,EcoRI

chopchop_query.py - script to find guides using CHOPCHOP for a list of genes or all genes in the genePred file. You can use all chopchop.py script options normally, they will be passed along in each query.

For two selected genes:

./chopchop_query.py --gene_names NM_144906,NM_001265875 -G hg19 -o temp2

For all genes in genePred table, with Cpf1 option:

./chopchop_query.py --genePred /full/path/to/genPred/hg19.gene_table -G hg19 -o temp -T 3

Design Cas13 guides for selected transcripts of tb gene in Zebrafish:

./chopchop_query.py --gene_names ENSDART00000007204.8,ENSDART00000160271.1,ENSDART00000157768.1 -G danRer10 -g 27 -M H -T 3 --isoforms -o /tb/ENSDARG00000039806

Explore different options of our CHOPCHOP scripts:

./chopchop.py --help
./control_guides.py --help
./chopchop_query.py --help