
AutoValue Extension for result set

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AutoValue: ResultSet Extension

An extension for Google's AutoValue that generates a createFromResultSet(ResultSet rs) method for AutoValue annotated objects.


Include auto-value-result-set in your project and add a static factory method to your auto-value object.

import in.workarounds.avrs.ColumnName;

@AutoValue public abstract class User {
  abstract String id();
  abstract String name();
  // use the annotation if column name and field name aren't the same
  @ColumnName("email_address") abstract String email();

  public static User create(ResultSet resultSet) {
    return AutoValue_User.createFromResultSet(resultSet);

  // Optional: if your project includes RxJava the extension will generate a Func1<ResultSet, User>
  public static Func1<ResultSet, User> mapper() {
    return AutoValue_User.MAPPER;

Important: The extension will only be applied when there is

  • a static method that returns your value type (User in the example) and takes a ResultSet as parameter
  • and/or a static method that returns a Func1<ResultSet, YourValueType> and has no parameters

The following types are supported by default:

  • byte[]
  • double/Double
  • float/Float
  • int/Integer
  • long/Long
  • short/Short
  • String
  • boolean/Boolean
  • byte / Byte
  • java.sql.Date
  • java.sql.Time
  • java.sql.Timestamp

For other types, you need to use the @ColumnAdapter annotation and specify a factory class that implements the ColumnTypeAdapter interface. When you need to map multiple columns to one custom type you can simply ignore the given columnName. Eg.:


@AutoValue public abstract class User {
  abstract String id();
  abstract String name();
  @ColumnAdapter(AvatarAdapter.class) Avatar avatar();

  public static User createFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
    return AutoValue_User.createFromResultSet(resultSet);


public class AvatarAdapter implements ColumnTypeAdapter<Avatar> {
  public Avatar fromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, String columnName) throws SQLException {
    String smallImageUrl = resultSet.getString(resultSet.findColumn("small_image_url");
    String largeImageUrl = resultSet.getString(resultSet.findColumn("large_image_url");
    return new Avatar(smallImageUrl, largeImageUrl);


public class Avatar {
  final String smallImageUrl;
  final String largeImageUrl;

  public Avatar(String smallImageUrl, String largeImageUrl) {
    this.smallImageUrl = smallImageUrl;
    this.largeImageUrl = largeImageUrl;


Add a Gradle dependency:

apt 'in.workarounds.auto-value-result-set:processor:0.0.7'
// if you need the @ColumnName or @ColumnAdapter annotations also include this:
compile 'in.workarounds.auto-value-result-set:annotations:0.0.7'

(Using the android-apt plugin)

or Maven:

<!-- if you need the @ColumnName or @ColumnAdapter annotations also include this: -->


This project is heavily based on Gabriel Ittner's auto-value-cursor

Copyright 2016 Workarounds
Copyright 2015 Ryan Harter.
Copyright 2015 Gabriel Ittner.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.