'Top JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers' contains the most frequently asked questions at these companies. These questions and answers will help you prepare for these interviews.
- What is Hoisting in JavaScript?
- What are Callbacks in JavaScript?
- What are Closures in JavaScript?
- What are async functions in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of constructors in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between '==' and '===' in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between 'null' and 'undefined' in JavaScript?
- What are the different data types in JavaScript?
- What is NaN in JavaScript?
- What are var, const, let keywords in JavaScript?
- What is 'strict mode' in JavaScript?
- What are Arrow Functions in JavaScript?
- What is Object Destructuring in JavaScript?
- What is the Spread Syntax or Spread Operator?
- What is the Rest Syntax or Rest Operator?
- What are Higher-order functions in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between map() and forEach() in JavaScript?
- What is Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of the 'this' operator in JavaScript?
- What are Promises in JavaScript?
- What are events in JavaScript?
- What are setTimeout and setInterval methods in JavaScript?
- What is debouncing and throttling in JavaScript?
- What is event bubbling in JavaScript?
- What are the different scopes in JavaScript?
- What is Scope Chain in JavaScript?
- What are function prototypes in JavaScript?
- What are call(), apply() and bind() methods in JavaScript?
- How do you create a polyfill for the bind() function?
- What is HTML DOM?
- What is the difference between window and document in JavaScript?
- What is Event Loop in JavaScript?
- What is Callback Queue in JavaScript?
- What is Type Coercion in JavaScript?
- What is Currying in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between 'async' and 'defer' attributes?
- What is Temporal Dead Zone in JavaScript?
- What is Object Flattening in JavaScript?
- What are iterators and generators in JavaScript?
- What is Prototypal Inheritance (prototype chain) in JavaScript?