
This repository contains the editorials of the top interview questions from the workat.tech practice platform

Workattech DSA Editorials and Solutions

This repository contains the editorials of the top interview questions from the workat.tech practice platform.

Problem Name Practice Link Editorial Link
Cumulative Sum Problem Editorial
Positive Cumulative Sum Problem Editorial
Identical Twins Problem Editorial
Even Number of Digits Problem Editorial
Implement Insertion Sort Problem Editorial
Merge Two Sorted Arrays Problem Editorial
Merge Sorted Subarrays Problem Editorial
Implement Merge Sort Problem Editorial
Implement Quicksort Problem Editorial
Square sorted array Problem Editorial
Max Consecutive Ones Problem Editorial
Arithmetic Sequence Problem Editorial
Largest Contiguous Sum Problem Editorial
Pascal's Triangle Problem Editorial
Row Column Zero Problem Editorial
Matrix Rotation Problem Editorial
Merge Overlapping Intervals Problem Editorial
Kth Largest Element Problem Editorial
Next Greater Permutation Problem Editorial
Inversion Count Problem Editorial
Contains Element? Problem Editorial
Search Range Problem Editorial
Negative numbers in sorted array Problem Editorial
Next Greater Element In Sorted Array Problem Editorial
Insert Position in Sorted Array Problem Editorial
Is Perfect Square Problem Editorial
Search Rotated Sorted Array Problem Editorial
Square Root Problem Editorial
Matrix Search Problem Editorial
Median of Row-wise Sorted Matrix Problem Editorial
Remove occurences Problem Editorial
Two Sum Sorted Problem Editorial
K-Subarray Sum Problem Editorial
Unique Elements in Sorted Array Problem Editorial
k-diff pairs Problem Editorial
Kth element of two sorted lists Problem Editorial
Sorted Arrays Intersection Problem Editorial
Dutch National Flag Problem Editorial
Trapping Rain Water Problem Editorial
Maximum K-Subarray Sum Problem Editorial
k-Substring Vowels Problem Editorial
Maximum k-Substring Vowels Problem Editorial
Print Linked List Problem Editorial
Linked List to Array Problem Editorial
Print Reversed Linked List Problem Editorial
Kth Element in Linked List Problem Editorial
Add Element at Kth Position in Linked List Problem Editorial
Remove Element at Kth Position in Linked List Problem Editorial
Append Linked Lists Problem Editorial
Reverse a Linked List Problem Editorial
Remove occurrences in Linked List Problem Editorial
Middle Element of Linked List Problem Editorial
Merge Two Sorted Linked List Problem Editorial
Delete Node From Linked List Problem Editorial
Linked List Palindrome Problem Editorial
Intersection of Two Linked Lists Problem Editorial
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Linked List Problem Editorial
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Linked List - II Problem Editorial
Find xth Node from End of Linked List Problem Editorial
Delete Xth Node From End of Linked List Problem Editorial
Add Two Numbers as Lists Problem Editorial
Reverse a Linked List II Problem Editorial
Reverse a Linked List in k-groups Problem Editorial
Add One to Linked List Problem Editorial
Reorder List Problem Editorial
Rotate a Linked List Problem Editorial
Detect Loop in Linked List Problem Editorial
Remove Loop From Linked List Problem Editorial
Flatten a Multi-Level Linked List Problem Editorial
Partition List Problem Editorial
Insertion Sort Linked List Problem Editorial
Merge Sort Linked List Problem Editorial
Implement Stack using Array Problem Editorial
Implement Stack using Linked List Problem Editorial
Implement Queue using Array Problem Editorial
Implement Queue using Linked List Problem Editorial
Implement Queue using Stacks Problem Editorial
Implement Stack using Queues Problem Editorial
Balanced Parentheses Problem Editorial
Implement Min Stack Problem Editorial
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Problem Editorial
Next Greater Element Problem Editorial
Simplify Directory Path Problem Editorial
Rotting Apples Problem Editorial
Sliding Window Maximum Problem Editorial
Largest Rectangle in Histogram Problem Editorial
Implement Counting Sort Problem Editorial
Non-Repeating Element Problem Editorial
Two Sum Problem Editorial
Three Sum Problem Editorial
Four Sum Problem Editorial
Longest Consecutive Sequence Problem Editorial
Longest Subarray with Zero Sum Problem Editorial
Longest Substring Without Repeat Problem Editorial
Distinct Numbers in Window Problem Editorial
Subarrays With Given XOR Problem Editorial
Longest Substring with K Unique Characters Problem Editorial
Clone List with Random Pointer Problem Editorial
LRU Cache Problem Editorial
Rat In A Maze Problem Editorial
Subsets Problem Editorial
Subsets - II Problem Editorial
Subset Sum Problem Editorial
Combination Sum 1 Problem Editorial
Combination Sum 2 Problem Editorial
Combinations Problem Editorial
Tug of War Problem Editorial
String Permutations Problem Editorial
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Problem Editorial
Generate Parentheses Problem Editorial
Restore IP Addresses Problem Editorial
Consecutively Descending Integers Problem Editorial
N Queens Problem Problem Editorial
Sudoku Solver Problem Editorial
Kth Permutation Sequence Problem Editorial
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Problem Editorial
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Problem Editorial
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Problem Editorial
Level Order of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Identical Binary Trees Problem Editorial
Symmetric Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Diameter of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Invert Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Balanced Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Problem Editorial
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Problem Editorial
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Problem Editorial
Left View of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Right View of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Top View of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Bottom View of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Lowest Common Ancestor in Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Problem Editorial
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Problem Editorial
Maximum Path Sum of Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List Problem Editorial
Search in a Binary Search Tree (BST) Problem Editorial
Insert into a Binary Search Tree (BST) Problem Editorial
Inorder Successor of Node in BST Problem Editorial
Inorder Predecessor of Node in BST Problem Editorial
Delete Node in a Binary Search Tree (BST) Problem Editorial
Lowest Common Ancestor in BST Problem Editorial
Is Binary Tree BST Problem Editorial
Two Sum in BST Problem Editorial
Kth Largest in BST Problem Editorial
Kth Smallest in BST Problem Editorial
Binary Search Tree (BST) Iterator Problem Editorial
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Search Tree (BST) Problem Editorial
Size of the Largest BST in a Binary Tree Problem Editorial
Kth Largest Element From Data Stream Problem Editorial
Median From Data Stream Problem Editorial
Merge K Sorted Arrays Problem Editorial
Sort Almost Sorted Array Problem Editorial
Excel Column Number Problem Editorial
Trailing Zeroes Problem Editorial
Greatest Common Divisor Problem Editorial
Primes upto N Problem Editorial
Matrix Paths Problem Editorial
Exponentiation With Modulus Problem Editorial
Most Significant Bit Problem Editorial
Power Of Two Problem Editorial
Count Set Bits Problem Editorial
Find the Duplicate Number Problem Editorial
Find the Missing Number Problem Editorial
Repeat and Missing Number in Array Problem Editorial
Divide without Division, Multiplication & Mod Problem Editorial
Square without Multiplication, Division & Pow Problem Editorial
Power Set Problem Editorial
Climbing Stairs Problem Editorial
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) Problem Editorial
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problem Editorial
Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence Problem Editorial
Longest Palindromic Substring (LPS) Problem Editorial
Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance) Problem Editorial
Collect Jewels Problem Editorial
Subset Sum 2 Problem Editorial
Maximum path sum in matrix Problem Editorial
Rod Cutting Problem Editorial
Coin Change Problem Editorial
Decode Ways Problem Editorial
Unique Paths Problem Editorial
Maximum Product Subarray Problem Editorial
Minimum Egg Drops Problem Editorial
Palindrome Partitioning Problem Editorial
Palindrome Partitioning 2 Problem Editorial
Word Break Problem Editorial
Word Break - II Problem Editorial
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks Problem Editorial
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks II Problem Editorial
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Problem Editorial
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Problem Editorial
Regular Expression Matching Problem Editorial
Wildcard Matching Problem Editorial
Max Meetings in a Room Problem Editorial
Sack of Grains Problem Editorial
Tasks for Profit Problem Editorial
Trains and Platforms Problem Editorial
Adjacency List to Adjacency Matrix Problem Editorial
Adjacency Matrix to Adjacency List Problem Editorial
Edges to Adjacency Matrix Problem Editorial
Edges to Adjacency List Problem Editorial
DFS of an Acyclic Graph Problem Editorial
DFS of a Cyclic Graph Problem Editorial
BFS of a Graph Problem Editorial
Clone a Graph Problem Editorial
Detect Cycle In Directed Graph Problem Editorial
Detect Cycle In Undirected Graph Problem Editorial
Valid Course Schedule Problem Editorial
Path Exists in Directed Graph Problem Editorial
Flood Fill Image Problem Editorial
Number of Islands Problem Editorial
Valid Path Problem Editorial
Capture Surrounded Regions Problem Editorial
Knight's Journey On A Chessboard Problem Editorial
Word Search Board Problem Editorial
Stepping Numbers Problem Editorial
M-Coloring Problem Problem Editorial
Is Graph Bipartite Problem Editorial
Word Ladder Problem Editorial
Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph using Union-Find Algorithm Problem Editorial
Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal's Algorithm Problem Editorial
Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm Problem Editorial
Minimum Distance in Graph using Dijkstra’s Algorithm Problem Editorial
Reverse Words in String Problem Editorial
Longest Palindrome in String Problem Editorial
Roman Numeral to Integer Problem Editorial
Integer to Roman Numeral Problem Editorial
Substring Search - I Problem Editorial
Substring Search - II Problem Editorial
Substring Search - III Problem Editorial
Substring Search - IV Problem Editorial
Longest Common Prefix Problem Editorial
Insert Minimum To Make Palindrome Problem Editorial
Anagrams Problem Editorial
Count And Say Problem Editorial
Compare Version Numbers Problem Editorial
Shortest Unique Prefix Problem Editorial
Restaurant Reviews Problem Editorial