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#test_commits2 #this folder is for testing templates and data compatibility #all data presented is to be considered inaccurate //# unless otherwise noted, files used in these examples are copyrighted by: //#http://www.filemaker.com/company/legal/terms.html #contact micah@sabunde.com #audit database mtNotes_demo #this folder contains some examples of Filemaker Pro GUI databases that I have created #to use for my personal data collection. I have included a computer science (mtCSdb) #database that I use to organise my notes on various topics, which are in a convenient #drop down menu, which saves me on repetitive typing and increases data validation.

#mtEmbryophyta is an example of what I use to organise my notes that I carry into the #field to help me identify plants, and collate peer reviewed articles that I have #gathered from a myriad of sources. This database has the added feature of geo-location #for a record, which I can format to lat/long or UTM. For geo-location on iOS devices, #the integration into a database solution is simple and quick. For the desktop version, #I can bulk import data from many different GPS devices, which is easily customisable #because every device manufacturer has a slightly different data out format:)

#mtNotes is just my everyday database for my everyday stuff. Have you ever driven to #the store to find that you did not bring the filter or part number? I put everything #I have to look up again in this db, think of this as your personal inventory and #catch all, the mission here is to search once, then retrieve locally many times #in the future. Maybe in the future you want to look this up, but you are without #network access, then this database becomes quite handy.

#I will also include a database that I use to make sense of the human languages that #I know, always a few more rules and exceptions when compared to logical programming #languages….