
A MassBank spectrum searches wrapper : Search by pseudo-spectra on a High Quality Mass Spectral Database.

Primary LanguagePerl

MassBank spectrum searches - Search by pseudo-spectra on a High Quality Mass Spectral Database.

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Our project

The Workflow4Metabolomics, W4M in short, is a French infrastructure offering software tool processing, analyzing and annotating metabolomics data. It is based on the Galaxy platform.

MassBank spectrum searches - Search by pseudo-spectra on a High Quality Mass Spectral Database.

Tool using the MassBank API Spectrum Search.


Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research. Whether on the free public server or your own instance, you can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses.

Homepage: https://galaxyproject.org/

Dependencies using Conda


Conda is package manager that among many other things can be used to manage Python packages.

#To install miniconda2
#To install the tool dependencies using conda:
conda install perl-lwp-simple perl-lwp-useragent perl-uri-url perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-text-csv perl perl-html-template
#To set an environment:
conda create -n wrapper-bank-massbank-spectrum_search perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-json perl-html-template`
#To activate the environment:
. activate wrapper-bank-massbank-spectrum_search


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