A library taking advantage of aff
to enable pain-free asynchronous AJAX requests and response handling.
Install affjax
with Spago:
spago install affjax
If you are using affjax
in a Node.js setting you will also need to install an additional NPM dependency:
npm install xhr2
Quick start
You can construct requests with the request
module Main where
import Prelude
import Affjax as AX
import Affjax.ResponseFormat as ResponseFormat
import Data.Argonaut.Core (stringify, fromString)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Effect.Aff (launchAff)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
main = void $ launchAff $ do
result <- AX.request (AX.defaultRequest { url = "/api", method = Left GET, responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json })
case result of
Left err -> log $ "GET /api response failed to decode: " <> AX.printError err
Right response -> log $ "GET /api response: " <> stringify response.body
is a record value that has all the required fields pre-set for convenient overriding when making a request.)
There are also a number of helpers for common get
, post
, put
, delete
, and patch
import Affjax.RequestBody as RequestBody
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
main = launchAff_ do
result1 <- AX.get ResponseFormat.json "/api"
case result1 of
Left err -> log $ "GET /api response failed to decode: " <> AX.printError err
Right response -> log $ "GET /api response: " <> stringify response.body
result2 <- ResponseFormat.json "/api" (Just (RequestBody.json (fromString "test")))
case result2 of
Left err -> log $ "POST /api response failed to decode: " <> AX.printError err
Right response -> log $ "POST /api response: " <> stringify response.body
documentation is stored in a few places:
- Module documentation is published on Pursuit.
- Written documentation is kept in the docs directory.
- Usage examples can be found in the test suite.
If you get stuck, there are several ways to get help:
- Open an issue if you have encountered a bug or problem.
- Ask general questions on the PureScript Discourse forum or the PureScript Discord chat.
You can contribute to affjax
in several ways:
If you encounter a problem or have a question, please open an issue. We'll do our best to work with you to resolve or answer it.
If you would like to contribute code, tests, or documentation, please read the contributor guide. It's a short, helpful introduction to contributing to this library, including development instructions.
If you have written a library, tutorial, guide, or other resource based on this package, please share it on the PureScript Discourse! Writing libraries and learning resources are a great way to help this library succeed.