
Convert STIX-2.0 to GraphML and GEXF

Primary LanguageScala

Convert STIX-2.0 to GraphML or GEXF format

This application StixConvert, converts STIX-2.0 json and zip files into a GraphML or GEXF representation.

The Structured Threat Information Expression STIX-2.0 is a language for expressing cyber threat and observable information.

GraphML is a common XML format for graphs and similarly GEXF is a format used by the popular Gephi graph visualization tool.

This application uses the ScalaStix library to convert Stix domain objects (SDO) and relationships (SRO) to GraphML and GEXF formats.

The aim is to make Stix graph structures available to GraphML and GEXF visualisation tools.

Another tool

StixToNeoDB in this repository, loads Stix objects into a Neo4j graph database which can then be exported into graphML, Cypher statements, CSV and binary formats using export tools. These tools export the full set of Stix objects attributes.

Stix to GraphML and GEXF mapping

With StixConvert only a small number of Stix attributes are converted. The following Stix SDO properties are represented in GraphML and GEXF nodes:

type, created, modified, created_by_ref, revoked and name (when available)

In addition, the following Stix SRO properties are represented in GraphML and GEXF edges:

relationship_type, created, modified, description and revoked 

Installation and packaging

The easiest way to compile and package the application from source is to use SBT. To assemble the application and all its dependencies into a single jar file type:

sbt assembly

This will produce "stixconvert-1.3.jar" in the "./target/scala-2.13" directory.

For convenience a stixconvert-1.3.jar file is in the distrib directory ready for use.


Once you have the jar file, simply type at the prompt:

java -jar stixconvert-1.3.jar --graphml input_file out_file
java -jar stixconvert-1.3.jar --gexf input_file out_file

where "--graphml" or"--gexf" determines the conversion format. "input_file" is a file containing the Stix data you want to convert, and "out_file" is the destination file with the new format results. If the output file is absent, the output is directed to the console.

The input file should have the extension ".json" (containing a single bundle) or ".zip". If the input file is a zip file with one or more files containing bundles of Stix objects, the output file will also be a zip file with one or more files of GraphML or GEXF format results.

Note: on macOS, when using "Compress" from the "Finder" menu, the resulting zip file may contain extra "__MACOSX/" directories that should be removed by typing in a terminal:

  zip -d the_file_name.zip __MACOSX/\*


  1. GraphML

  2. GEXF

  3. STIX-2.0

  4. ScalaStix


Depends on the scala ScalaStix library and the scala-xml library.

Java 11 is also required.


not fully tested.

Using Scala 2.13.3, Java 11 and SBT-1.3.13