
Stock trading simulator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Smartfolio - Stock Trading Simulator

Note that due to the discontinuation of Yahoo Finance API in 2017, combined with the stale development of this project, you will not be able to build/run this project locally. However, a live demo is still available here (without prices obviously)



Installing (Removed due to Yahoo Finance API being discontinued)

Initial Configuration (Assuming DB is initialized)

  1. Before developing/using this project, make sure to modify the DB Configs accordingly.

  2. Then, run this script to populate the DB with some pre-defined functions.


Pre-dev house-keeping

git clone https://github.com/workofart/smartfolio.git
cd smartfolio/
npm install


Since we used Jade/Pug as the template engine, building is not needed.


Stock-trading simulator

  • Market analysis (stock price graphs, historical prices, news for selected stocks)
  • Portfolio analysis (Portfolio Composition, Transactions, Performance)
  • User system (registration, login)


This repository has been stale since December 2016, and it has been used as a practice project for Ben and I to get familiar with web technologies. We are no longer maintaining it.



The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.

Little tip learned

1. Using the Request Library | The request originates from the server (E.g. /controller/portfolio.js)

url - must append 'http://localhost:3000' as the prefix

qs (query string) - don't need to JSON.stringify()

  • E.g. qs: { attr: ['close', 'open'] }
request (


        function(err, response, body) {

            if (response.statusCode === 200) {

                sendJsonResponse(res, 200, JSON.parse(body));

            } else {

                throw err;




2. Using jQuery's ajax | The request originates from the client (E.g. /javascripts/portfolio_actions.js)

url - can start with /api or /market etc...

params (query string) - must use JSON.stringify() to convert params

  • E.g. params: { attr: JSON.stringify(attr) },
        success: function (data) {
            // Do stuff with data
        error: function(e) {
            throw e;

Quick LOC Summary

Updated (2016/10/29 9:10PM)

4654 Lines Total

  • 114 ./app.js
  • 516 ./app_api/controllers/portfolio.js
  • 154 ./app_api/controllers/transaction.js
  • 30 ./app_api/routes/api_routes.js
  • 83 ./app_server/configs/cron_PopulateStockDaily.js
  • 79 ./app_server/configs/cron_PopulateStockLive.js
  • 16 ./app_server/configs/sequelize.js
  • 118 ./app_server/configs/setupDB.js
  • 82 ./app_server/configs/setupPassport.js
  • 28 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioBookPerformanceById.sql
  • 44 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioBookValueById.sql
  • 29 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioBookValueForDateById.sql
  • 28 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioCompositionByID.sql
  • 21 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioRealValueById.sql
  • 74 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioRealValueForDateById.sql
  • 67 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioRealValuePerformanceById.sql
  • 73 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/GetPortfolioTransactionsVolumneById.sql
  • 14 ./app_server/configs/sql_scripts/LoadSQLFiles.py
  • 36 ./app_server/controllers/common.js
  • 30 ./app_server/controllers/index.js
  • 61 ./app_server/controllers/login.js
  • 195 ./app_server/controllers/market.js
  • 46 ./app_server/controllers/portfolio.js
  • 62 ./app_server/controllers/portfolio_detail.js
  • 42 ./app_server/controllers/signup.js
  • 53 ./app_server/controllers/testing.js
  • 24 ./app_server/models/companies.js
  • 25 ./app_server/models/models.js
  • 30 ./app_server/models/portfolio.js
  • 36 ./app_server/models/stockDaily.js
  • 36 ./app_server/models/transaction.js
  • 24 ./app_server/models/users.js
  • 74 ./app_server/routes/routes.js
  • 6 ./app_server/views/error.jade
  • 40 ./app_server/views/header.jade
  • 41 ./app_server/views/index.jade
  • 18 ./app_server/views/layout.jade
  • 29 ./app_server/views/login.jade
  • 95 ./app_server/views/market.jade
  • 48 ./app_server/views/portfolio.jade
  • 166 ./app_server/views/portfolio_detail.jade
  • 32 ./app_server/views/signup.jade
  • 19 ./app_server/views/testing.jade
  • 798 ./public/javascripts/market_actions.js
  • 665 ./public/javascripts/portfolio_actions.js
  • 44 ./public/javascripts/testing_actions.js
  • 215 ./public/stylesheets/chart.css
  • 23 ./public/stylesheets/portfolio_detail.css
  • 71 ./public/stylesheets/style.css