Smade-DB: An analysis of the performance characteristics of different in-memory DB designs.


To setup the project Ubuntu Server 22 LTS is recommended, debian has shown some issues with io_uring.

Setup everything with the setup script:

curl | sudo sh

This include:

  • Redis
  • Dragonfly
  • Zig Toolchain
  • Downloading and Compiling this project


⚠️ The benchmark script is configured for a 32 Core 64 Threads machine consuming around 14GB of RAM and takes multiple hours to complete.

To reproduce the benchmark results use:

chmod +x ./


To create charts from the resulting files you may use stattransformerv3.js to create a script for GNUPLOT and configure it with the correct folder like this:

const folder = "./benchmark-results/round-6-intel/";

The output is a csv file via stdout and a gnuplot script using that csv file via stderr. This will provide both latency and throughput charts.