Welcome to the Jobs Diagnostic GitHub project. This project features tools to facilitate Jobs Diagnostics developed by the World Bank. The tools use harmonized labor force surveys in either GMD, GLD, or I2D2 format and allow users to conduct their own Jobs Diagnostic.
A jobs diagnostic is a guided, systematic inquiry into the state of the labour market analyzing the core jobs challenges of a country. The diagnostic identifies symptoms, interprets these symptoms, and prioritizes a set of jobs challenges. The central enquiry of the jobs diagnostic is how a country’s jobs outcomes have changed over time, and, specifically, if and how people have transitioned into new jobs. Emphasis is placed on how the profile of jobs in the economy changes and which individuals adapt or not, disaggregating employees by age, sex, education, rural versus urban, amongst other variables. It asks structured questions to identify a comprehensive set of symptoms from data, which are then compared to “normal” results from other countries. A more detailed introduction as well as cross-country findings from analysis conducted by World Bank staff working on Jobs Diagnostics can be found here.
The Jobs Diagnostic GitHub project hosts three interrelated elements, each contained in a separate folder. The elements are briefly described below. More details, with explanations on how to access or download them are inside each folder.
- The Global JObs INdicators Database (JOIN) reports national level jobs indicators including population specific disaggregation (e.g. by gender, age group, area, and education). It provides a basic understanding of a country’s labor market and its development over time depending on survey availability.
- The Excel-based JOIN benchmarking tool allows for jobs indicator comparisons and empowers users to customize the analysis in Excel without the need of programming and working with micro-data. Built on the indicators present in JOIN, the benchmarking tool offers an easily customizable user interface to create tables and graphs, allowing users to compare up to five countries at a time. It further serves as a springboard for user’s own analysis in Excel.
- The Jobs Country Labor Tool supports the analysis of a country’s labor market by exploring labor force surveys and providing standardized outputs. It gives the users full flexibility in conducting more comprehensive analysis using micro-data. The tool provides a set of automatically generated standard outputs that are structured along the questions of the Jobs Diagnostic guided enquiry. Users can then follow up on these outputs and further tailor the analysis to their specific questions and needs.