Adapter to allow expandable menus
Each RecyclerView has 'parent' elements that expand/collapse to show 'child' subelements.
###How to use it?
- Add these dependencies to your project:
compile 'com.github.worldline-spain:t21_expandablerecycleradapter_android:1.0.14'
compile ''
compile ''
- Add this to your root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
- Create an adapter that extends ExpandableRecyclerAdapter and implements its abstract methods:
public abstract int getParentLayout();
public abstract int getChildLayout();
public abstract void onExpandableItemClicked(ExpandableMenuItem item);
public abstract void onChildItemClicked(ChildMenuItem item);
public abstract void onBindViewHolderSpecific(T holder, int position);
public abstract T getHolder(View view);
- Create two types of elements: one extends ExpandableMenuItem, the other extends ChildMenuItem. Each expandable item can contain zero or more ChildMenuItems
- Populate the adapter with a list of your expandable items
- You can set to true the Adapter variable oneExpandedMode to enable "One Expanded Only". This functionality, collapse the current ExpandableMenuItem expanded when you want to expand another. This functionality is deactivated by default.
- In your "parent item" layout, you can add this 'include' to have an arrow that animates when an item is expanded/collapsed. However, you can use a custom arrow (set its id to img_default_expand_arrow)
<include layout="@layout/img_default_expand_arrow" />
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