
Make a Hype widget sticky in a container

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hype Sticky Scroll

Introducing Hype Sticky Scroll, a powerful and versatile tool that unlocks the potential of scroll-driven animations in your Tumult Hype projects. With this plugin, create seamless and engaging scroll-based experiences that respond dynamically to user interactions.

Key features include:

  • Scene filtering and ignoring: Choose which scenes to include or exclude from the sticky scroll animation (just add 🔒 to the scene name).
  • Customizable wrapper height: Adjust the height of the wrapper to fit your content and design.
  • Function callbacks: Implement custom behaviors with the stickyScrollBefore and stickyScrollAfter callbacks.
  • Progress tracking: Monitor the scroll progress and use it to control the playback of your animations (easier method in the works).
  • Smooth scene navigation: Scroll to specific scenes with ease, complete with customizable durations and easing options.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Latest version can be linked into your project using the following in the head section of your project:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/worldoptimizer/HypeStickyScroll/HypeStickyScroll.min.js"></script>

Optionally you can also link a SRI version or specific releases. Read more about that on the JsDelivr (CDN) page for this extension at https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/worldoptimizer/HypeStickyScroll

Learn how to use the latest extension version and how to combine extensions into one file at https://github.com/worldoptimizer/HypeCookBook/wiki/Including-external-files-and-Hype-extensions


The Hype Sticky Scroll extension allows you to create a sticky scroll effect in your Tumult Hype projects. The extension provides an easy way to control the scroll progress and switch between scenes within a Hype document.

Getting Started

Include the Hype Sticky Scroll script in the head of your HTML document either through the resources library or using a CDN.


Q: How do I enable the sticky scroll effect?

A: You can enable the sticky scroll effect by calling the enableStickyScroll function on the Hype document object like this:


Replace height with your desired height value in pixels.

Q: How do I disable the sticky scroll effect?

A: You can disable the sticky scroll effect by calling the disableStickyScroll function on the Hype document object like this:


Q: How do I exclude certain scenes from the sticky scroll calculation?

A: To exclude specific scenes from the sticky scroll effect, simply include the 🔒 symbol in the scene's name. This tells the Hype Sticky Scroll extension to ignore that scene when calculating the total length of the scroll effect.

Q: How can I get the current scroll progress?

A: You can get the current scroll progress by calling the getProgress function on the Hype document object like this:


This function returns a value between 0 and 1, representing the scroll progress.

Q: How can I scroll to the start of a scene?

A: You can scroll to the start of a scene by calling the scrollToSceneStart function on the Hype document object like this:

hypeDocument.scrollToSceneStart(sceneName, duration, easing);

Replace sceneName with the name of the scene you want to scroll to, duration with the desired scroll duration in milliseconds (use 0 for instant scrolling), and easing with the desired easing function ('linear', 'in', 'out', 'inout').

Extended hypeDocument API

Command Description
hypeDocument.enableStickyScroll Enables the sticky scroll effect.
hypeDocument.disableStickyScroll Disables the sticky scroll effect.
hypeDocument.getProgress Returns the current scroll progress.
hypeDocument.scrollToSceneStart Scrolls to the start of a scene (duration, easing). You can use 'auto' for a distance base duration

HypeStickyScroll API

Command Description
HypeStickyScroll.setDefault Sets a default value for a specified key or overrides all default values at once.
HypeStickyScroll.getDefault Returns the value of a default by key or all default values if no key is given.
HypeStickyScroll.version The version of the Hype Sticky Scroll extension.