
Create and override inline styles or cast value changes to custom properties (CSS Vars)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hype Style Caster


Create and override inline styles or cast value changes to custom properties (CSS Vars)


There is a JSDoc based documentation of the functions at https://doxdox.org/worldoptimizer/HypeStyleCaster

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Latest version can be linked into your project using the following in the head section of your project:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/worldoptimizer/HypeStyleCaster/HypeStyleCaster.min.js"></script>

Optionally you can also link a SRI version or specific releases. Read more about that on the JsDelivr (CDN) page for this extension at https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/worldoptimizer/HypeStyleCaster

Learn how to use the latest extension version and how to combine extensions into one file at https://github.com/worldoptimizer/HypeCookBook/wiki/Including-external-files-and-Hype-extensions



Hype Style Caster is a powerful extension for Tumult Hype that allows you to dynamically style elements on your web page. With this extension, you can easily change the appearance of an element based on user interaction or other conditions on the page without writing any CSS code in Head HTML.

Getting Started

  1. Download and include the Hype Style Caster extension in your Hype project.
  2. Add the data-style-declaration attribute to the element you want to style.
  3. Specify the style you want to apply in the value of the data-style-declaration attribute.
  4. Optionally, use data-style-action attribute in combination with Hype Action Events to apply styles dynamically.


Q: Can I use Hype Style Caster with Hype Action Events?

A: Yes, you can use Hype Style Caster with Hype Action Events. You can use the data-style-action attribute along with JavaScript code to apply styles dynamically based on user interactions or other conditions on the page.

Q: What if I want to change the style of an element based on other conditions on the page?

A: You can use the data-style-action attribute along with JavaScript code to apply styles based on other conditions on the page, such as browser width or scroll position.

Q: Can I use Hype Style Caster to set the width, height, and position of elements in a Hype symbol?

A: Yes, using the data-style-declaration attribute, you can set the width, height, and position of elements in a Hype symbol, which is especially useful since Hype symbols don't support the built-in flexible layouts method yet.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are accessible to users:

Attribute Function
data-style-declaration Sets the style declaration for an element
data-style-expression Sets the style expression for an element
data-cast-properties Sets the cast properties for an element
data-cast-to-closest Sets the closest selector to set the cast properties on
data-cast-to-target Sets the target selector to set the cast properties on
data-cast-to-targets Sets multiple target selectors to set the cast properties on

Extended hypeDocument API

The following table shows all the available hypeDocument commands:

Command Function
hypeDocument.setElementStyle Sets the style of an element
hypeDocument.refreshStyleActions Refreshes the style actions for an element

HypeStyleCaster API

The following table documents the HypeStyleCaster API and its functions:

Command Function
HypeStyleCaster.version Returns the current version of Hype Style Caster
HypeStyleCaster.setDefault Sets a global default by key or all defaults at once
HypeStyleCaster.getDefault Returns the value of a default by key or all defaults
HypeStyleCaster.isValidCSS Checks if the string is a valid CSS property
HypeStyleCaster.styleToString Converts a style object to a string
HypeStyleCaster.createStyleSheet Creates a style sheet with the given id and returns it
HypeStyleCaster.parseTransform Parses the transform property and returns the value
HypeStyleCaster.removeStyleVariable Removes a style variable from all elements in the base element
HypeStyleCaster.registerCastingFunction Registers a new casting function
HypeStyleCaster.resolveCastingFunction Resolves the casting of the CSS property

Usage Guide

Hype Style Caster is a powerful tool that allows you to dynamically style elements on your web page without writing CSS code in the Head HTML. This guide will walk you through the process of using Hype Style Caster, starting with easy tasks and gradually increasing in complexity.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Usage
  2. Working with Hype Action Events
  3. Changing Styles Based on Page Conditions
  4. Using Hype Functions with data-style-action
  5. Styling Elements in Hype Symbols
  6. Using data-style-var and data-style-closest
  7. Advanced Styling Options

Basic Usage

To start using Hype Style Caster, add a data-style-declaration attribute to the element you want to style. Then, specify the style you want to apply in the attribute's value.

For example, to change the color of an element to red, add the following attribute to the element:

key value
data-style-declaration color: red;

Hype Style Caster will then apply the specified style to the element.

Download example1.hype.zip (23.2 KB)

Working with Hype Action Events

You can use Hype Style Caster with Hype Action Events. To do this, add a data-style-action attribute to the element you want to style. Then, specify the code you want to execute when the event occurs.

For example, to change the color of an element to red when the user clicks on it, add the following attribute to the element:

key value
data-style-action element.style.color='red';

Hype Style Caster will take care of applying the style to the element.

Download example2.hype.zip (22.4 KB)

Changing Styles Based on Page Conditions

Hype Style Caster allows you to change the style of an element based on other conditions on the page, such as browser window width or scroll position.

To do this, add a data-style-action attribute to the element and specify the JavaScript code you want to run in the attribute.

For example, to change the background color of an element to red or green depending on if the browser width is less than 768px, use the following code:

key value
data-style-action { backgroundColor: window.innerWidth < 768? 'red' : 'green' }

In this example, the element's background color will change after refreshes when the browser width is less than 768px.

Download example3.hype.zip (18.5 KB)

Using Hype Functions with data-style-action

You can use Hype functions with data-style-action to change the style of an element based on a function's result.

For example, to change the color of an element to red when the user clicks on it, add the following attribute to the element:

key value
data-style-action myStyle()

In your Hype function, use the following code:

function myStyle(hypeDocument, element, event) {
	return { color: 'red' };

When the scene is prepared for display, the myStyle() function will be executed, and the color of the element will be set to red.

Download example4.hype.zip (22.6 KB)

Styling Elements in Hype Symbols

Hype symbols don't support the built-in flexible layouts method, but you can use the data-style-declaration attribute to set the width, height, and position of elements within them.

For example, to set the width of an element to 50%, use the following code:

key value
data-style-declaration width: 50%

To set the height of an element to 100%, use the following code:

key value
data-style-declaration height: 100%

You can also use the calc function in the data-style-declaration attribute to set element width, height, and position.

For example, to set the width of an element to 100% of the width - 100px of the symbol and the left position to 50px, use the following code:

key value
data-style-declaration width: calc(100% - 100px); left: 50px;

Download example6.hype.zip (188.4 KB)

Using data-style-var and data-style-closest

With data-style-var, you can mirror mutations to CSS variables. data-style-closest allows you to define the closest selector to set styles on. This approach lets you create responsive designs and animations based on other element properties.

For example, to set the values --foo-width and --foo-height on the Hype scene root, use the following attributes:

key value
data-style-var foo

To set the same values on the closest element matched by .bar, use the following attributes:

key value
data-style-var foo
data-style-closest .bar

Advanced Styling Options

With version 1.0.4, you can request any style value or transform value to be set as a CSS custom property.

For example, to monitor the width and height of an element, use the following attribute:

key value
data-cast-properties foo

To monitor only the height and translateX, use the following attribute:

key value
data-cast-properties foo:height, translateX

You can also cast values using built-in functions like int (parseInt) and float (parseFloat), or register new casting functions:

key value
data-cast-properties foo:(int)width, (float)translateY

Download example7.hype.zip (23.5 KB) Download example8.hype.zip (24 KB)

Creating and Using Custom Casting Functions

Hype Style Caster allows you to create custom casting functions to transform values when setting style properties. This can be useful for converting values, performing calculations, or creating more complex style transformations.

Registering a Custom Casting Function

To create a custom casting function, use the HypeStyleCaster.registerCastingFunction() method. This method takes two arguments:

  1. The name of the casting function (a string)
  2. The casting function itself (a function that takes a single argument, the value to be transformed)

Here's an example of registering a custom casting function called double that doubles the input value:

HypeStyleCaster.registerCastingFunction('double', function(value) {
    return parseInt(value) * 2;

Using a Custom Casting Function

To use a custom casting function in your project, include it in the data-cast-properties attribute of an element. The syntax for using a custom casting function is:


For example, to use the double casting function we defined earlier to double the width of an element, you would use the following code:


This would in turn yield --foo-width-double as a CSS custom property, with the width value doubled.

Example: Converting Degrees to Pixels

Let's say you want to create a custom casting function that converts degrees to pixels. First, register the custom casting function:

HypeStyleCaster.registerCastingFunction('degToPx', function(value) {
    return parseInt(value) + 'px';

Next, use the custom casting function in the data-cast-properties attribute of an element:


This would in turn yield --foo-width-degToPx as a CSS custom property, with the width value converted from degrees to pixels.

By using custom casting functions in your Hype Style Caster projects, you can create more advanced styling transformations and ensure that your styles are always up to date and responsive to different conditions on your web pages.

This guide should help you get started with using Hype Style Caster, from basic tasks to more advanced techniques. Happy styling!