Setup (MacOS)

  1. Download Chrome for Testing from here:
  2. Unzip
  3. Remove "downloaded from internet" attribute:
cd <path to unzipped chrome-mac-arm64>
sudo xattr -cr 'Google Chrome for'
  1. Copy 'Google Chrome for' to Applications
  2. Install IntelliJ IDEA CE
  3. Install Rosetta (only applies to M1+ processors):
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  1. Make sure "Require password after screen saver begins or displayed is turned off" setting is set to 1 hour or more

Setup project

brew install --cask git-credential-manager
git clone

Copy .env.example to .env file and enter missing values.

Setup Google Chrome for Testing

  1. Metamask extension
    • Open project in IntelliJ IDEA
    • Open Maven toolbar -> Click "Reload All Maven Projects" button
    • Right click "src/test/java/support/Browser" -> "Run Browser.main()"
    • Open chrome://extensions/
    • Enable Developer mode
    • Drag and drop metamask-chrome-10.34.5.crx from IntelliJ IDEA into Chrome
    • Enable Test networks in MetaMask
    • Put wallet unlock password to .env file
  2. Setup Phantom wallet:
  1. Setup Leap wallet:
  1. Setup Sui wallet:

For mainnet testing, do the same steps with BrowserMainnet. To start mainnet browser: right click "src/test/java/support/BrowserMainnet" -> "Run BrowserMainnet.main()".

Run Tests

  1. Install "Cucumber for Java" plugin in IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Right click on any ".feature" file -> Run

Build MetaMask extension

git clone
git checkout master

Follow MetaMask Building on your local machine guide:

brew install corepack
corepack enable
cp .metamaskrc{.dist,}
# create an account on
# make sure all networks are enabled for the new Infura API Key
# Update .metmaskrc file: replace the INFURA_PROJECT_ID value with your own personal Infura API Key. 
yarn install
node ./development/build/index.js dist --apply-lavamoat=false

Open chrome://extensions/, click "Pack extension" Set Extension root directory to "dist/chrome" directory inside metamask-extension directory. Click Pack extension.

Generated "chrome.crx" can now be installed in Google Chrome for Testing.

Setup Google Spreadsheets

  1. Create a Google Spreadsheet, update .env file.
  2. Follow this guide to create credentials.json file.
  3. Save credentials.json file to src/test/resources directory.
  4. Follow this guide to enable Google Drive API.
  5. Follow this guide to enable People API.