
Wire yarn bower-away dependencies to your source code. This library helps with ditching bower. If you are using grunt, have a look at azachar/grunt-wiredep-away

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

wiredep-away Build Status

Wire your yarn @bower-dependencies\*** to your source code with after you ditched bower with bower-away.

Getting Started

Install the module with npm:

$ npm install --save azachar/wiredep-away#master

Convert your dependencies (if you haven't already):

$ npm -g install bower-away
$ bower-away

Replace your require('wiredep') with require('wiredep-away') and you are good to go.


  • Supports bower-away approach with yarn

  • Ability to use a custom scope like @myBowerScope/ or the default one @bower_components/

      scope: '@myBowerScope/'
  • NodeJS LTS environments are supported

    • 6.x, 8.x, 10.x
  • Backward compatibility with deprecated bower approach

  • Verbose output while looking up for dependencies (including transitive) and bower folder

       verbose: true


There were some forks of original wiredep that did some patches with bower-away approach, but I was not happy with it since it was done without any tests and moreover was not working on LTS environments...


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm run style or npm test.

Please note to install test's symbolic links correctly on your OS run npm run setup.


Copyright (c) 2019 Andrej Zachar. Initially forked from Stephen Sawchuk. Licensed under the MIT license.