
A Centralized Database Management System built using Java Swing GUI to organize user data for four different organisations: NIMC, NIS, INC and FRSC.

Primary LanguageJava

Centralized Database Management System

This project implements a Centralized Database Management System using Java Swing for the graphical user interface (GUI) and CSV files for data storage. The system allows administrators to register new users, view past records, and manage user profiles.


  • Admin users can:
    • Register new users, and
    • View past records.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/worthychukwuemeka/centralized-dbms.git
  2. Open the project in your preferred Java IDE.


  1. Run the WelcomeWindow class to start the application.
  2. In the Welcome window, select an organization and click "Proceed."
  3. In the Registration window, enter your login ID and password.
  4. These are the data you can use to log in to access the CSV file data:
    • johnpatrick, password1
    • sarahgbenga, password2,
    • fatimamusa, password3, and
    • philipokocha, password4. Any data other than this entered to login will return an error.
  5. If you're an admin, you will see additional options for managing users.
    • Select "Register New User" to open the Registration form & add a new user to the DB.
    • Select "View Past Records" to view a CSV database file with data of users registered on the system.

Project Structure

  • WelcomeWindow.java: Displays the welcome window with organization options.
  • RegistrationWindow.java: Displays the registration window for users to log in.
  • DashboardWindow.java: Displays the dashboard for admins.
  • CsvWriter.java: Handles the data writing to the CSV file.
  • ExistingUserData.csv: CSV file containing registered users' data.

Data Storage

  • User data is stored in the UserData.csv file using CSV format.


  • Java Swing: For creating the GUI.
  • OpenCSV: For reading and writing CSV files.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • This project is a sample implementation and may require additional features and improvements for production use.
  • Thanks to OpenCSV for providing the CSV library.