
OpenShift 4 Experiment 01 initContainers

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


OpenShift 4 "initContainer" experiment to populate a PV


We need to be able to populate a Persistent Volume (PV) of type RWO with a large binary file from an S3 bucket before our application starts. The large binary file will only change every 30 days, and we want to minimize transfer bandwidth & start-up time of our application pods on OpenShift.


A statefulset, volumeClaimTemplate, and an initContainer will be used to fulfill our use-case. Two containers will be built -- an initContainer and the application container. The initContainer has the logic to connect to AWS S3 and will 'sync' the large binary files to the PV. The application container, in this experiment, is python flask web application. Both containers will use the same base image from Red Hat: registry.redhat.io/rhscl/python-36-rhel7.

Architecture Diagram

Architcture Diagram

Process Flow Diagram

Process Flow Diagram


  • AWS
    • An Account
    • S3 Bucket
      • Not public
    • IAM User
      • Read Write to S3 Bucket
        • Inline Policy
    • IAM User
      • Read Only to S3 Bucket
        • Inline Policy
  • Container Image Repositories
    • Quay.io
      • An account
      • Two image repositories
    • registry.redhat.io
      • An account
  • OpenShift 4 cluster
    • Persistent Volume capability
      • RWO


Create S3 Bucket

  • Create an S3 bucket in AWS. Ensure it is not accessible by the public. We will be using a policy attached to a IAM role to allow connectivity.

The name of the bucket will be used in the next section.

  • Create a folder using the AWS S3 console interface and note its name (that name will be used in the security policy in the next section).

Create AWS IAM Users and attach policy

  • Create two AWS IAM Users.

The first account, ocp-exp01-initcont-push, has R/W access to the S3 bucket + one folder. The second account,named ocp-exp01-initcont-ro, has read-only access to a specific folder in the bucket).

When you create each account, note the KEY ID and the SECRET -- they will be used later.


To the ocp-exp01-initcont-push IAM user, alter the following policy and attach it. Replace "YOUR-S3-BUCKET-NAME" with the bucket that you've created and "YOUR-FOLDER" with the folder that you previously created in the S3 bucket. This will limit the "push" account to only one folder in the S3 bucket.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowListBucketIfSpecificPrefixIsIncludedInRequest",
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Sid": "AllowUserToReadWriteObjectDataInDevelopmentFolder",
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [


To the ocp-exp01-initcont-ro, alter the following policy and attach it to the "read-only" IAM account. Like the previous section, replace "YOUR-S3-BUCKET-NAME" with the bucket that you have created and "YOUR-FOLDER" with the folder name.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowListBucketIfSpecificPrefixIsIncludedInRequest",
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Sid": "AllowUserToReadWriteObjectDataInDevelopmentFolder",
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [

Push images into S3 bucket

In our demonstration, you need to download two images and name them hyttioaoa.png and space_cat.png. The hyttioaoa.png image can be found in the build/webcontainer/static/ directory. The space_cat.png file should be a new file and fairly large -- I would suggest you locate a very large image file from NASA and use that as your space_cat.png file to upload into S3.

Set your AWS Credential environment variables and push two images into the S3 folder.


Change directory into your local folder that has your hyttioaoa.png and space_cat.png files (reminder -- don't use the space_cat.png from this repo, find a new, large png file). The space_cat.png uploaded to S3 will be used to demonstrate 1. large file sync using an initContainer in k8s and 2. displaying a file from a web page using a python flask web server.

aws s3 sync . s3://YOUR-S3-BUCKET/YOUR-FOLDER

Create Quay.io repositories

Two images will be used in this demonstration and we need to have a public repositories to pull our custom images.

  • Create a free account in quay.io
    • Make note of that account name and your access credentials
  • Create two public repositories
    • ocp4-exp01-initcont
    • ocp4-exp01-web

Build and Push container images

  • Log into quay.io from command line
    • To push images into
  • Log into registry.redhat.io
    • To pull base containers from


podman login -u "your-quay.io-username" -p


podman login -u "your-redhat-io-username" -p

Set environment variables

Change the following environment variables to match your registry account name.

export MYREGISTRY=quay.io
export MYREGISTRYACCT=your-account
export MYINITCONT_REPO=ocp4-exp01-initcont
export MYWEB_REPO=ocp4-exp01-web

Build and Push initContainer container image


Build and Push python flask container image


Deploy application

  • Set environment variables for your OCP4 project name.
export INITCONTPROJECT=ocp4-exp01-initcont
  • Create a new project
oc new-project $INITCONTPROJECT
  • Alter the statefulset

The statefulset contains two image attributes, one in the initContainers and the other in containers. Change each one to match your registry, username, repository and tag.

vi deployment/statefulset.yaml
  • Deploy the application
oc apply -n $INITCONTPROJECT -f deployment/configmap.yaml
oc apply -n $INITCONTPROJECT -f deployment/service.yaml
oc apply -n $INITCONTPROJECT -f deployment/route.yaml
oc apply -n $INITCONTPROJECT -f deployment/statefulset.yaml
  • Display the route
oc get route ocp4-exp01-web

OUTPUT (an example)

NAME             HOST/PORT                                                                           PATH   SERVICES         PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
ocp4-exp01-web   ocp4-exp01-web-ocp4-exp01-initcont.apps.cluster-0000.lab.domain.tld          ocp4-exp01-web   8080                 None
  • To display only the route path
echo "http://`oc get route ocp4-exp01-web -n $INITCONTPROJECT -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}'`"
  • Browse the route with a browser (example is using Firefox)
export WEB_ADDR=http://$(oc get route ocp4-exp01-web -n $INITCONTPROJECT -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')

firefox --private-window $WEB_ADDR &

The web page will have one image that works, the other is broken (because the file does not exist).

Begin experiment/demonstration of switching web templates and static image sources

Possible combinations of settings for python flask for this experiment:

MYDATA_SOURCE_DIR: /usr/share/html


    • Setting it to static tells python flask to pull from the directory static under the application's root directory
    • Setting it to /usr/share/html give python flask a absolute directory

    • There are two directories in the python flask application root directory, templates and templates2. Each directory contain a single file index.html. They will be used to demonstrate displaying different image files.

Patch the ocp4-exp01-web configmap to reconfigure flask to display a different index.html file. The templates2 directory contains an index.html file which is configured to display a different image.

oc patch configmap ocp4-exp01-web \
--patch '{"data":{"MYTEMPLATE_SOURCE_DIR":"templates2"}}'

Force statefullset to redeploy by relying on the "nano-second" output of the date command and patching the rollme annotation on the statefulset.

ROLLME=`date +%N` ; echo $ROLLME ; \ \
oc patch sts pythonflask \
--patch "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"rollme\":\"$ROLLME\"}}}}}"
  • Make sure the last rollout is complete by checking that all pods are running
oc get pods


pythonflask-0   1/1     Running   0          82s
pythonflask-1   1/1     Running   0          58s
  • Browse the route (or refresh the browser)
firefox --private-window $WEB_ADDR &

Web page will display one working and one broken picture and display the word "templates2"

"Space Cat" image is in the /usr/share/html directory -- switch the directory source for static files and reload.

Change the configmap configuration for the web container forcing flask to pull static images from /usr/share/html

oc patch configmap ocp4-exp01-web \
--patch '{"data":{"MYDATA_SOURCE_DIR":"/usr/share/html"}}'

Force statefullset to redeploy... use the script provided


Make sure the last rollout is complete (before reloading/deploying the browser) by checking that all pods are running

oc get pods


pythonflask-0   1/1     Running   0          82s
pythonflask-1   1/1     Running   0          58s

Browse the route

firefox --private-window $WEB_ADDR &

Page will show two pictures

Enable the S3BUCKET

Alter the configmap for ocp4-exp01-web

oc patch configmap ocp4-exp01-initcont \
--patch '{"data":{"S3BUCKET":"true"}}'

Force statefullset to redeploy


Reload the image -- I found that I needed to view the web page in a new browser or an incognito session as the browser cached the initial space_cat.png image without displaying the new, much larger image. Firefox was more consistent in not caching the image while Chrome gave me trouble (Ctrl+R would reload the page, but I would still see the 'cached' image, not the image that should be served by the flask server).

  • The browser 'should' display the much larger image
firefox --private-window $WEB_ADDR &

Switch back to the smaller space_cat.png image

Change the configmap for ocp4-exp01-web:

oc patch configmap ocp4-exp01-initcont \
--patch '{"data":{"S3BUCKET":"false"}}'

Force statefullset to redeploy


Because you changed the S3BUCKET variable to false, the initContainer will copy its images from its own container into the Persistent Volume.

firefox --private-window $WEB_ADDR &


  • Add Readiness & Liveliness
  • Add Requests & Limits