
python package for OpenFlowsWater module from Bentley

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release (latest by date) PyPI - Downloads

Python package for OpenFlowsWater module from Bentley that mainly contains the stub (*.pyi) files and a few py files to get started.

Must Create python.exe.config File [NOT needed for 10.4 or higher]

Bentley's WaterObjects.NET API contains a mixed mode (managed/unmanaged) assemblies as a result, a python configuration file has to placed where the python.exe is location (in your environment). The contents of the file can be copied from below or use from here.

Note: Filename is important. For "python.exe" create "python.exe.config"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>


Run the following to install:

pip install pyofw

Failed to install? One of the requirements package is pythonnet which might not get installed directly. In such case, follow the steps how to install pythonnet.

Note: The package itself will not add any value without the Bentley's OpenFlows application like WaterGEMS, or WaterCAD. And the package assumes the application is installed at the default location. For WaterGEMS it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterGEMS\x64.


# -------------------- VERY FIRST STEP ---------------------
# | Navigate to the folder where you are about to create your *.py files
# | In this folder/workspace, bring up the console/terminal and run: 
# | newofw
# | --------------------------------------------------------
# | Above command will add "typings" folder to the workspace
# | then ONLY the IntelliSense will work
# | --------------------------------------------------------

from pyofw.config import OFWConfig

config = OFWConfig() # by default, prepare things for WaterGEMS

model = config.open_model(
         r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterGEMS\Samples\Example5.wtg")

print(f"Active scenario is: {model.ActiveScenario.Label}")
print(f"And there are '{model.Scenarios.Count}' scenarios in the '{model}' model")

config.end_session() # close the model and end the session

'newofw' command is showing error?

Are you getting errors like below?

  • newofw : The term 'newofw' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
  • 'newofw' is not recognized as an internal or external command

This could be possible depending on how python is installed. To troubleshoot, make sure you are using the right python.exe.

  1. Find out where the python.exe is. Run where python in the console. This will display the full path of the python.exe. Note The where python command will not give any results in PowerShell terminal. In PowerShell, the command is Get-Command python.


  2. Modify the path like the below:


  3. Check if the above file newofw.exe exists.
    1. Does NOT exists: reinstall the module again by running python -m pip install pyofw
    2. Exits: run the exe from the command line. Make sure to be in the right directory.

      D:\My\Correct\Folder> D:\SDK\python\3_10\Scripts\newofw.exe

IntelliSense not working?

For IntelliSense to work properly, we have to make sure certain settings are configured properly.


If VSCode is the IDE of choice,

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P and type in Settings.
  • Select Preferences: Open User[/Workspace] Settings, which will open up the Settings.
  • In the search type, stub
  • Either on User or Workspace tab, select pylance
  • Under Python • Analysis: Stub Path, make sure typings is selected


How to install pythonnet?

pythonnet may not get installed by pip install pythonnet as a result follow this alternative.

Common Error message

ERROR: Could not build wheels for pythonnet which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

Steps to install pythonnet

  1. Download the wheel file from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pythonnet

    1. For 3.9 version of python, on windows, download pythonnet-2.5.2-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl.
  2. run pip install "path\to\the\downloaded\pythonnet.whl"

  3. Test if pythonnet got installed. If import clr doesn't return any error then pythonnet is ready to use

     Python 3.9.2 (tags/v3.9.2:1a79785, Feb 19 2021, 13:44:55) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
     >>> import clr

ERROR at Run Time?


AttributeError: module 'clr' has no attribute 'AddReference' error that most likely due the installed package called clr. Simply uninstall this package and the error should go away. pip uninstall clr

No module named 'OpenFlows'

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'OpenFlows' Make sure the OpenFlows*.dll files are in the x64 directory of the Water products You could also pass in the custom location ofw_config = OpenFlowsWaterConfig(dlls_dir="C:\Path\To\WaterGEMS\x64")

More Examples

py Files

  1. Very minimal with no comments: Example_Minimal

  2. [Recommended] Good example to get started: Example_with_comments

  3. Example with minimal uses of pyofw module: Similar to .NET

Jupyter Notebook (DataFrames for Elements)

For more details, navigate to Network Input Notebook

from pyofw.network_input import NetworkInput
ni: NetworkInput = NetworkInput(model)

# Links

# Nodes



Jupyter Notebook Showing Results

Please navigate to: Getting_Started. This notebook also shows some charts using plotly library. A few of Images..

Tank Level and Pump Flows (using secondary axis)

Tank Level and Pump Flows

Tank Level and Pump Flows (just like in WaterGEMS)

Similar to WaterGEMS Chart with flows and level

Network display (using networkx module)

Network drawn using networkx