
Arduino-based weather station

Primary LanguagePython

accuracy DS1822 2C DS18B20 0.5C DS18S20 0.5C DS1821 1C

I have 20 20 22 22 B20 B20

bought 5 S20

1820: R=10 D6 4E 36 0 8 0 F1 P=1 2A 0 4B 46 FF FF 10 10 B4 CRC=B4

18B20's: R=28 EC 35 31 00 00 00 DB Device is not a DS18S20 family device. R=28 06 DF 30 00 00 00 D5 Device is not a DS18S20 family device.

10:D6:4E:36:00:08:00:F1: 28:EC:35:31:00:00:00:DB: 28:06:DF:30:00:00:00:D5:

DeviceAddress t1 = { 0x10, 0xD6, 0x4E, 0x36, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0xF1 }; DeviceAddress t2 = { 0x28, 0xEC, 0x35, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDB }; DeviceAddress t3 = { 0x28, 0x06, 0xDF, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD5 };

pressure transfer code Serial.println(pres); Vout = vs * (.009 * P - .095) vout/vs = .009 P - .095 vout/vs + .095 = .009P P = (vout/vs + .095) / .009

RH transfer VOUT=(VSUPPLY)(0.00636(sensor RH) + 0.1515) VOUT=(1024)(0.00636(x) + 0.1515) x = (analogread/1024 - 0.1515 ) / 0.00636

1-wire addresses in remote1 DeviceAddress t[] = {{ 0x10,0x57,0xE3,0x3B,0x02,0x08,0x00,0x21 },
{ 0x10,0xDF,0xC5,0x3B,0x02,0x08,0x00,0x0E }};

// PRESSURE // get pres in hpa, average 10 samples from each of 2 sensors pres = (analogReadAvg(0,10)/1024.0 + 0.095 ) / 0.0009 / 2.0; pres += (analogReadAvg(1,10)/1024.0 + 0.095 ) / 0.0009 / 2.0; // print absolute pressure Serial.print(pres,3); // Serial.print(","); // convert station pressure to sea level pressure, assume 20C temp // float tempK = 273.15 + 22.0; // K, FIXME use onboard temp // pres = pres / exp(-elevation / (tempK * 29.263)); // Serial.print(pres); // Serial.print(","); //convert mb to inches Hg // pres *= 0.0295301; // Serial.print(pres);