
Playing with Bodymovin

Primary LanguageHTML


Experimenting with the interactivity of bodymovin.

The test can be seen here.

Getting element

By including a hex at the front of the name (e.g. #thisElement), we can access this layer in Javascript by calling document.getElementById('thisElement'). With that, we can interact with that specific layer created in after Effects. The dragging example of the experiment shows how this works.

Using animationData

animationData is a property of the animation object created when using bodymovin. This property contains information of the layers created in After Effects, hence allowing us to manipulate certain properties of the layer (e.g. position).

Note: In order for you to manipulate the animationData, the object has to have keyframes at the very start and the very end. The keyframes can have a position difference of just 0.1, but there has to be a change for it to work.

More about the data

Here are some properties of the object you get from animationData:

Name Type Description
assets Array Contains objects with information of each asset used in After Effects
layers Array Contains objects with information of each layer created in After Effects
nm String Name of the After Effects composition

Here are some properties of the object you get from animationData.layers[i]:

Name Type Description
ks Object Contains keyframe information defined in After Effects (e.g. position, opacity, rotation, etc.)
nm String The name of the layer defined in After Effects

Note: The keyframe properties in ks are represented by a single letter (i.e. p for position and so on), and the coordinates may or may not be found directly, depending on how the After Effects object was made

After Effects rigging

Rigging up a character or object is a method for animators to simply the animation process. A quick tutorial can be seen here. These rigs allow us to interact with the bodymovin object in a more interesting manner. For example, by using the Joysticks 'n Sliders plugin, we can map the controllers to the cursor or the scroll, allowing users to animate the bodymovin object interactively. Kittons on Codepen is a great example of this.

Another plugin that would be awesome is DUIK by Rainbox. Kittons also has an example for this.