
A list of companies using Rust in production.

Rust Companies

A curated list of companies using Rust in production, organized by industry.

Inspired by Elixir's and Elm's lists.


  • 360dialog - Most of our service consumers are written with Rust.
  • Actyx (GitHub) - Actyx is a peer-to-peer event stream database (a.k.a. reliable durable pub-sub) written completely in Rust
  • Amazon(1) - Here at AWS, we love Rust, too, because it helps AWS write highly performant, safe infrastructure-level networking and other systems software.
  • Atlassian - We use Rust in a service for analyzing petabytes of source code.
  • Brave (GitHub) - Adblock engine for Brave Browser.
  • Discord (1, 2) - Communication Platform designed for communities.
  • DungeonFog (GitHub) (Discord)- New "Project Deios" map maker tool is written completely in rust, everything we can make opensource is hosted on our github.
  • Figma(1) - Our real-time multiplayer syncing server (used to edit all Figma documents) is written in Rust.
  • Fly (GitHub) - Globally distributed reverse-proxy and app hosting.
  • Google (1) - In Android 13, about 21% of all new native code (C/C++/Rust) is in Rust. There are approximately 1.5 million total lines of Rust code in Android across new functionality and components such as Keystore2, the new Ultra-wideband (UWB) stack, DNS-over-HTTP3, Android’s Virtualization framework (AVF), and various other components and their open source dependencies. These are low-level components that require a systems language which otherwise would have been implemented in C++.
  • Materialize (GitHub) - An engine for incrementally maintaining database views. Materialize core is a single binary written in Rust.
  • Meta (1,2) - Facebook's primary source control system is partially written in Rust.
  • Mozilla (GitHub, Servo) - Building the Servo browser engine, integrating into Firefox, other projects.
  • Qumulo(1, 2) - Hybrid cloud storage.
  • Stackable(1) - Creating a modular open source data platform. Rust powers all our operators to help make popular data applications straightforward to run on Kubernetes.
  • Svix (GitHub) - The enterprise ready webhooks service


  • Bitfury(Exonum) - Exonum is an extensible framework for blockchain projects written in Rust.
  • Cryptape - Rust makes our permissioned blockchain, CITA, faster and stronger.
  • Libra (GitHub) - A global cryptocurrency built by Facebook.
  • MaidSafe - Building a decentralised data and communications network.
  • Parity (GitHub) - Ethereum Client.
  • Solana - High performance blockchain, rebuilt for scale.
  • Wildfish - Fast processing and importing of cryptocurrency market data.


  • Lechev.space (GitHub) - Building various aerospace-related projects including a Ground station service using Rust.

Automation | CI/CD

  • Chef (GitHub) - Chef lets you develop, deploy and manage infrastructure, run-time environments and applications.
  • Collective Sense - We use Rust to implement data collectors and processors in our network monitoring and security analysis software. Our product needs to be both secure and extremely fast which makes Rust a perfect fit.
  • CoreOS - Tools shipped within the Container Linux distribution as well as internal tooling including documentation transformation and validation.
  • EVO - We have development tools, containerization, monitoring and orchestration systems in Rust.
  • Gremlin - Safely and efficiently causing controlled chaos.
  • OneSignal(1) - High volume, cross platform push notification delivery.
  • npm (GitHub) - Replacing C and rewriting performance-critical bottlenecks in the registry service architecture.
  • Sandstorm(1) - The backend of our Collections app is written in Rust.
  • Sentry(1) - JavaScript, Java and iOS event processing and the command-line client for the Sentry API.
  • slowtec - Our robust & reliable automation systems are entirely written in Rust.
  • VersionEye (GitHub) - We are using Rust to implement a command line tool which can identify software dependencies by their SHA values.
  • tCell(1) - tCell's agent is built using Rust and runs in the app server as a means to collect data and block attacks.
  • TreeScale - At TreeScale we are implemented distributed PubSub system using Rust and MIO, which gave us 8x performance on for processing and distributing Container Images.

Cloud | Hosting

  • Clever Cloud(1) - We host Rust web applications, and a part of our infrastructure is developed in Rust.
  • Cloudflare - We are using Rust as a replacement for memory-unsafe languages (particularly C) and are using it in our core edge logic.
  • Cloudflare Workers(1) Deploy serverless code instantly across the globe with Rust support.
  • Dropbox(1, 2) - Optimizing cloud file-storage.
  • Delimiter - Rust powers our bare metal provisioning system.
  • OVH (1) - We used Rust to build a high performance, highly available log management system.
  • Ceph(1) Rust bindings for librbd, an interface into the Ceph storage platform.


  • ANIXE - Building the next generation travel services trading platform in Rust.
  • Braintree - Speeding up batch processing and for small command-line utilities.
  • Spoqa - Our POS integration SDK is entirely written in Rust.
  • TenX - Building a secure and scalable distributed payments system in Rust.

Machine Learning | AI

  • Algorithmia (GitHub) - Rust algorithm development is a first-class citizen of our platform.
  • Autumn - Machine learning in Rust.
  • craft.ai - Our core machine learning engine is written in Rust.
  • Deepgram (Github,1) - Speech AI Platform for transcription and understanding.
  • Faraday(1) - Securely transferring credentials.
  • IamBot - Our high-performance data acquisition is fully implemented using Rust. Besides that, we are also using Rust for our API endpoints that communicate with internal systems.
  • Routific - High performance route optimization software.
  • PolySync - Building safety-critical runtime environments & infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.
  • Snips - AI assistants that are private by design.

News | Media

  • The Daily Edit - A news aggregator that combines details from many sources into a single place. Our analysis engine and web backend are written in Rust.

Embedded systems | Hardware | IoT

  • 49nord - 49nord develops safe and secure Industrial IoT hardware and applications using Rust.
  • Calyptech - Used for high performance embedded system components as an alternative to C.
  • System76 (GitHub) - As a Linux-based computer-manufacture, much of our infrastructure and desktop Linux projects are written in Rust.
  • SmartThings(1) - Memory-safe embedded applications on our SmartThings Hub and supporting services in the cloud.
  • Star Lab - As an embedded security company, Rust allows us to have confidence in the performance and reliability of our products.

Internet Service Provider

  • Starry - Re-imagining broadband by engineering a new wireless access network and building an ecosystem of products designed to simplify and improve your connected life.
  • Yomura Fiber - Rust powers our GPON provisioning and statistic gathering.


  • Braun Embedded (GitHub) - Provides firmware development services for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.
  • Ferrous Systems (GitHub) - Rust knowledge. Collected.
  • Immunant (GitHub) - Immunant specializes in translation from C to Rust and exposing legacy C/C++ through safe Rust interfaces.
  • Integer 32 (GitHub) - Integer 32 is a consultancy that delivers high-quality Rust code.

Security | Monitoring

  • 1Password (GitHub) - The world's most-loved password manager, powering all of our latest desktop and mobile apps with a single shared Rust codebase.
  • AppSignal - Fast and robust monitoring agent for web applications.
  • Canonical - Everything from server monitoring to middleware!
  • Distil Networks - We are using Rust in our low latency bot detection and mitigation platform.
  • Firo Solutions(1) - Firo Solutions is a notification service that notifies the enduser about security vulnerabilities, they parse large amounts of data using rust
  • krypt.co(1, 2) - Shared code between iOS and Android for SSH host signature verification as well as a PKCS11 shared library.
  • Red Sift (GitHub) - Container monitoring with eBPF.
  • Shiftleft(1) - ShiftLeft is a Silicon Valley startup employing innovative techniques to bring clarity and rigor to the security space. Our bespoke runtime security agent is written in Rust.
  • ThreatX - Threat X Web Application Firewall (WAF) and central analysis engine are written in Rust, facilitating real time analysis of high bandwidth web applications.

Governments / NGO

  • Fire and Emergency NZ - The New Zealand Fire Service is using a custom geolocation search engine, built in rust, that runs on embedded hardware within a fire truck to stream hazard information to a fire crew at an incident.


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