
A React implementation of SweetAlert

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SweetAlert for React/Bootstrap

An awesome replacement for JavaScript's alert.


I'm wrapping up a major update now. You can expect 5.0 to publish soon.  See change log below for more details.


See the demo site here, with basic examples, and a sandbox for testing your own!


You can install SweetAlert through npm:

# with npm
npm install --save react-bootstrap-sweetalert

# with yarn
yarn add react-bootstrap-sweetalert
const SweetAlert = require('react-bootstrap-sweetalert');

Receiving the input value

If you're using input type, the value of the input will be sent to the onConfirm callback as the first argument.

onConfirm={(response) => this.onRecieveInput(response)}

Changes in version 5.0

  • Converted source code to typescript, added index.d.ts.
  • Added props.showCloseButton for displaying an X close button in the top right.
  • Added props.closeButtonStyle for overriding the styles of the close button.
  • Added support for long content that requires scrolling, and moved ESC key listener to the overlay.
  • Removed strict match on bootstrap button variation.

For more see CHANGE_LOG.md


The most basic message:

<SweetAlert title="Here's a message!" onConfirm={this.hideAlert} />

A title with text under:

<SweetAlert title="Here's a message!" onConfirm={this.hideAlert}>
  It's pretty, isn't it?

A success message!:

<SweetAlert success title="Good job!" onConfirm={this.hideAlert}>
  You clicked the button!

A warning message, with Cancel and Confirm callbacks:

  confirmBtnText="Yes, delete it!"
  title="Are you sure?"
	You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!

A message with a custom icon:

  title="Do you like thumbs?"
	You will find they are up!

An HTML message:

  title={<span>HTML <small>Title</small>!</span>}
  <span>A custom <span style={{color:'#F8BB86'}}>html</span> message.</span>

A replacement for the "prompt" function:

  title="An input!"
  placeholder="Write something"
  onConfirm={(response) => this.onRecieveInput(response)}
	Write something interesting:

Password Prompt:

  title="Enter Password"
  validationMsg="You must enter your password!"

Custom Styles:

<SweetAlert style={{backgroundColor:'blue'}} title="Yay!" onConfirm={this.hideAlert}>
  Its blue!


Property Required? Prop Type Default Value Description
type no string 'default' The type of alert to display. Allowed values: 'default', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'error', 'input', 'custom'
title yes string, node undefined The text to display for the title. JSX/ReactNode allowed.
onCancel no func undefined Invoked when user clicks cancel button. Also invoked if allowEscape is true and user hits ESCAPE key.
onConfirm yes func undefined Invoked when user clicks confirm button. Also invoked if user hits ENTER key.
btnSize no string 'lg' Allow custom button size. lg, sm, xs.
confirmBtnText no string, node 'OK' Text of confirm button, or JSX/ReactNode.
confirmBtnBsStyle no string 'primary' Bootstrap style of confirm button. Allowed values: 'default', 'primary', 'link', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'
confirmBtnCssClass no string '' CSS class added to confirm button.
confirmBtnStyle no object {} Inline style added to confirm button.
cancelBtnText no string, node 'Cancel' Text of cancel button, or JSX/ReactNode.
cancelBtnBsStyle no string 'link' Bootstrap style of cancel button. Allowed values: 'default', 'primary', 'link', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'
cancelBtnCssClass no string '' CSS class added to cancel button.
cancelBtnStyle no object {} Inline style added to cancel button.
showCloseButton no bool false If set to true, then an X close button will be shown in the top right of the alert.
customIcon no string, node undefined Either a string url for an image to use as the icon, or JSX/ReactNode.
placeholder no string undefined If type is input, this is the placeholder for the input field.
show no bool true If false, the alert will not be rendered.
focusConfirmBtn no bool true If true (and type != input) the comfirm button will receive focus automatically.
required no bool true If true, requires the input field to have a value.
validationMsg no string 'Please enter a response!' If type is input, this is the message to diplay when the user clicks confirm without entering a value.
validationRegex no object /^.+$/ Used to validate input value.
defaultValue no string undefined If type is input, this is the default value for the input field.
inputType no string 'text' If type is input, this is the input type (text, textarea, password, number, etc...)
style no object {} Style overrides applied to the sweetalert wrapper.
closeBtnStyle no object {} Style overrides applied to the X close button.
customClass no string undefined Custom CSS class applied to the sweetalert wrapper.
showConfirm no bool true If false, the confirm button will not show.
showCancel no bool false If true, the cancel button will show.
allowEscape no bool true If true, the onCancel function will be invoked when the user hits the ESCAPE key.
closeOnClickOutside no bool true If true, clicking outside the modal will trigger onCancel.
hideOverlay no bool false If true, then the modal overlay will not be rendered.
disabled no bool false If true, then the confirm button will be disabled. (NOTE: This does not effect the allowEscape prop behavior.)
beforeMount no func noop Hook which is invoked during componentWillMount.
afterMount no func noop Hook which is invoked during componentDidMount.
beforeUpdate no func noop Hook which is invoked during componentWillUpdate.
afterUpdate no func noop Hook which is invoked during componentDidUpdate.
beforeUnmount no func noop Hook which is invoked during componentWillUnmount.
timeout no number 0 Call props.onConfirm to close the alert automatically after a certain number of milliseconds.

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yarn dev && open http://localhost:3000