
A sample of using docker to deploy a Python based app

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This repository hosts the instructions and neccessary artifacts for building and publishing Python Functions as a Docker container on Linux.

For comprehensive information about Python in Azure Functions, refer to the azure-functions-python-worker repo.

Getting Started


Download the sample

In a terminal window, run the following command to clone the sample app repository to your local machine, then change to the directory that contains the sample code.

git clone https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-docker-python-sample.git
cd azure-functions-docker-python-sample

Understanding the environment

In the Git repository, take a look at the Dockerfile. This file describes the environment that is required to run Python functions on Linux.

# Base the image on the built-in Azure Functions Python image
FROM microsoft/azure-functions-python3.6:v2.0.11737-alpha

# Add files from this repo to the root site folder.
COPY . /home/site/wwwroot

# Install requirements
RUN cd /home/site/wwwroot && pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and deploy the custom image

To build and test your image locally, and deploy to Azure, follow the instructions here -

Create a function on Linux using a custom image

Configure storage

Azure Functions needs a storage account in order to run locally.

The best way to add this is to create a Storage Account in Azure and pass the connection string as an environment variable called AzureWebJobsStorage to the docker run command.

docker run -p 8080:80 -it -e AzureWebJobsStorage="{connection-string}" <docker-id>/mydockerimage:v1.0.0


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