SNAP - Sensor Network Along Perimiter

S.N.A.P. or SNAP is a hackathon project make during the #inno4def hackathon of 15-17th March 2024.

Please note that this code is just a prototype made in 24hours, some things are hardcoded, some things are not working, most things are written poorly.

SNAP uses novel sensor nodes that leverage an ESP32 microcontroller and one or more sensors like PIR, Seismic/Vibration,...

After a detection, the camera on the same or another node gets triggered. The trigger info and/or the camera image get then send over LoRa to one of the gateways where it gets uploaded to the cloud.

This repository houses the cloud part of that code.


Installing this code requires docker and docker compose or docker-compose to be installed.

Launching the entire thing is as simple as docker compose up -d. Please note that each of the folders need to have the right data in them. This might require credentials that are not listed here.


Development can be easily done by restarting one or more of the individual containers and rebuilding them in the process by using: docker compose up SERVICE_NAME --build -d


Stopping one service is done using docker compose stop SERVICE_NAME or running docker compose stop to stop all services.


Debugging can be done by viewing the logs for a specific service by using: docker compose logs SERVICE_NAME adding -f will let you follow along live while these logs are generated.


You can configure ports, data directories and more my editing the docker-compose.yaml file or the relevant files in the sub folders.


For more info, please check te relevant subfolders.

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