
API documentation and live playground for Web Components

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


API documentation and live playground for Web Components. Based on web-component-analyzer JSON format.

<api-viewer src="./custom-elements.json"></api-viewer>

Live Demo ↗

Screenshot of api-viewer docs

Screenshot of api-viewer demo


  • API docs viewer
    • Properties - JS properties publicly exposed by the component
    • Attributes - HTML attributes (except those that match properties)
    • Events - DOM events dispatched by the component
    • Slots - default <slot> and / or named slots, if any
    • CSS Custom Properties - styling API of the component
    • CSS Shadow Parts - elements that can be styled using ::part
  • Live playground
    • Source - code snippet matching the rendered component
    • Knobs - change properties and slotted content dynamically
    • Styles - change values of the custom CSS properties
    • Event log - output the events fired by the component
    • Templates - configure complex slotted content


$ npm install api-viewer-element


  1. Install web-component-analyzer:
$ npm install -g web-component-analyzer
  1. Analyze your components using --format json:
$ wca analyze my-element.js --outFile custom-elements.json --format json
  1. Create an HTML file and import the component:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="module">
      import 'api-viewer-element';

    <api-viewer src="./custom-elements.json"></api-viewer>
  1. Use es-dev-server to serve your HTML page.



Import the components documented in JSON file to enable demos:

<script type="module">
  import 'my-element';
<api-viewer src="./custom-elements.json"></api-viewer>


By default, the API documentation is shown. If you want to show the playground instead, set the section property to demo:

<api-viewer src="./custom-elements.json" section="demo"></api-viewer>


The playground listens to all the events dispatched by the rendered component. This can be used to sync knobs with the property changes caused by the user. In order to make it work, dispatch and document [property]-changed events:

 * A custom element that fires event on value change.
 * @element my-element
 * @prop {String} value - Value of the component
 * @fires value-changed - Event fired when value is changed


The playground collects the default values for the documented CSS custom properties on the rendered component using getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(). In order to make it work, use the following CSS structure:

:host {
  --button-color: red;

button {
  color: var(--button-color);


Use <template data-element="my-element"> for configuring complex content:

<api-viewer src="./custom-elements.json">
  <template data-element="fancy-accordion">
      <div slot="header">Panel 1</div>
      <div>Content 1</div>
      <div slot="header">Panel 2</div>
      <div>Content 2</div>

Note: do not minify HTML to keep proper indentation.


The following custom CSS properties are available:

Property Description
--ave-accent-color Accent color, used for property names
--ave-border-color Color used for borders and dividers
--ave-border-radius Border radius used for the outer border
--ave-button-active-background Color of the :focus and :hover button
--ave-button-background Background of the button (code snippet, events)
--ave-button-color Color of the button (code snippet, events)
--ave-header-color Header text color used for tag name
--ave-item-color API items content color (main text)
--ave-label-color API items labels color
--ave-monospace-font Monospace font stack for the API items
--ave-primary-color Primary color, used for header and active tab
--ave-tab-color Inactive tabs color


Install dependencies

$ yarn

Run demo in browser

$ yarn dev


Create dist folder

$ yarn dist

Serve dist folder

$ yarn serve:dist
