

Primary LanguagePHP

My Community.org Drupal 6 Base

This project contains the latest "initial files" for setting up a Drupal project using the Drupal 6 core.

It must be used for creating any new Drupal project.

Contains files and folders like:

  • .gitignore
  • db/ > scripts for database handling
  • scripts/ > common scripts
  • htdocs/ > folder where Drupal must be installed

Drupal Installation:

  • Go through the regular drupal installer at /install.php
  • Select "My Community" install profile
  • Follow the regular install steps
  • Once you are done.. you have to clear cache TWICE with admin/settings/performance OR drush cc all
  • Review features and make sure evertyhing is reverted. (revert manually or use drush)
  • To make Group Forums/Discussions work properly, modules femail, mc_femail_ext ft_discussion and ft_discussion_ui need to be enabled. The file mc_femail_ext.sh needs to be copied, renamed to local.mc_femail_ext.sh and edit it to make it point to the drupal installation path (For more details please look at the mc_femail_ext Readme file).

Mollom Installation:

  • drush en mollom
  • drush sql-cli < ../db/mollom_backup_mc.sql