
Install rabbitmq service and cluster with Ansible.

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy.



Deploy docker with hosts file (Make sure hosts file is you need)

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

Run as other users or use sudo

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml \
-e "ansible_ssh_pass=secret ansible_sudo_pass=secret sudo=yes"

Ansible Variables

  • rabbitmq_enable_cluster: Enable to create the rabbitmq cluster (Default: false)
  • rabbitmq_cluster_master: Specify the master node of rabbitmq cluster (Default: Localhost)
  • rabbitmq_plugins: Rabbitmq plugins to install (Default: rabbitmq_management)
  • rabbitmq_remove_users: Users to remove (Default: guest)
  • rabbitmq_users: Users to create (Default: admin)