- 0
status logging
#23 opened by G8EjlKeK7CwVQP2acz2B - 2
Support for mobile network connections
#20 opened by cao-jacky - 1
flag hardware_timestamping="n" picked linuxts_udpv6 but it didn't work. Forcing socket_udpv6 worked!
#16 opened by junfengbai - 1
100% CPU issue
#18 opened by ljacobson64 - 6
- 1
Assumed MAC address of a Linux bond member may cause incorrect NIC vendor extensions to be loaded
#14 opened by wowczarek - 0
How functional is this codebase currently?
#13 opened by jfriesne - 1
cannot understand piservo.c
#12 opened by linchen1981 - 0
error: conflicting types for 'prepareMsgHdr'
#9 opened by mrushdi