This command line utility allows you to read and search data within a dbc file and export the result in a json or sql output

NOTE: to keep schemas up-to-date with the database structure, please check the /apps/schema-generator tool included in this repo


You need latest LTS nodejs


npm install

Getting started

Run this command to read the instructions

npm run start -- --help

Example usage

npm run start -- --search=Wrath --columns=Name_Lang_enUS --out-type=sql --file=output.sql Spell

Advanced search

The --search option supports regex, however, if you need to search a set of numeric values or running a strict-equal research, you can use the following syntax:

{*} <condition> <yourvalue>

the {*} placeholder will be replaced by the value of the column, while you can apply to it any kind of javascript supported condition. This condition will be evaluated at runtime.


  • npm run start -- --search="{*} == 100" --columns=ID Spell to search a specific spell by ID

  • npm run start -- --search="[2,3,4].includes({*})" --columns=ID Spell to search an array of provided IDs

  • npm run start -- --search="{*} >= 100 && {*} <= 200" --columns=ID Spell it will search all spells with an ID between 75000 and 76000

  • npm run start -- --search="{*} == 'Wrath'" --columns=Name_Lang_enUS Spell it will search all spells with a name that is strict equal to Wrath

NOTE: this is a runtime eval, it means that you can even use more advanced conditions using any compatible method available in javascript.