
📍 This project implements an API endpoint that accepts a pair of city names as input and returns the travel distance (not straight-line distance) between these cities, sub-cities, or localities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

City Distance API 📍

This project implements an API endpoint that accepts a pair of city names as input and returns the travel distance (not straight-line distance) between these cities, sub-cities, or localities.

Expected Solution

You are expected to share a hosted, working GET endpoint and an API contract for the same.

Additional Information

  • Choice of backend stack is up to you.
  • Additional points for building a front-end where you can enter the city names and it shows the distance. You can choose to host it locally and expose it via ngrok for testing.
  • Feel free to use any free-tier hosting. Locally hosted endpoints are okay but not desirable.
  • Feel free to integrate with any third-party maps provider to fetch this information.
  • You would be judged on extensibility, modularity, and code quality.
  • Code with test cases is a huge plus.

API Endpoint

The API endpoint accepts a pair of city names as input and returns the distance between them.

API Contract

  • Endpoint: /api/distance
  • Method: GET
  • Request Parameters:
    • city1: The name of the first city
    • city2: The name of the second city
  • Response Format: JSON
  • Example Response:
      "distance": "1,080.7 km"

Getting Started

  • Installation
  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/isarvesh/distance.git
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd distance
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Start the development server: npm run dev


To test the API and view the distance between cities, you can visit the hosted front-end.

Hosted Front-end: https://distance-lemon.vercel.app/

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.