Mac Setup

System Settings

  • General → Software Update
  • Trackpad
    • Point and Click → Tap with one finger
    • More Gestures → Swipe left/right, up with four fingers, Disable Launchpad
    • Accessibility → Pointer Controls → Trackpad Options → Use trackpad for draggin with Three Finger Drag
  • WiFi -- Set AdGuard DNS and
  • Control Center
  • Desktop & Dock → Adjust size, no magnification, Left, Scale Effect, uncheck Show suggested and recent apps in Dock. Remove unnecessary icons. Pin Desktop/Downloads in Folder mode
  • Battery: Low Power Mode → Never
  • Lock Screen
  • Internet Accounts → Google Contacts, Calendars
  • Keyboard → Key repeat rate - Fast, Delay until repeat - Short
  • Finder → Show all filename extensions
  • Enable repeating keys: defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
  • Enable Always Open: defaults write ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox -bool true
  • Bluetooth Quality: defaults write "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -int 80
  • Avoid creating .DS_Store files on network or USB volumes defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true; defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
  • Disable disk image verification defaults write skip-verify -bool true; defaults write skip-verify-locked -bool true; defaults write skip-verify-remote -bool true



  • Chrome (with Extensions toolbar), uBlock Origin
  • Raycast (+ Window Management, + Coffee)
  • Path Finder (Two Pane, Preferences → Launch at Login, Uncheck Menu Bar icon, Set as default, File Size Base 2, Disable Shared, Recent Docs, Search For, Tags in sidebar, Features → Keyboard → Return/Enter key to Open Selected)
  • Contexts (Launch at Login, Sidebar → Show sidebar on: No display, Rules → Add Finder, Cmd+tab → Disable Apps without windows)
  • Fantastical (Default duration 30mins, Advanced → Google Maps)
  • Spotify (Streaming Quality Very High)
  • Messenger (Disable Open when you start, Disable Active Status), WhatsApp
  • The Unarchiver, Hour, Logitech Options / Logitech G Hub


  • OneNote
  • Lightroom, Photoshop, Nik Collection, Aurora HDR


  • xcode-select --install
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Git (local branches only), Git Credential Manager
  • FiraCode
  • iTerm2
    • Appearance → Theme → Minimal, Exclude from Dock, Window → Hide scroll bars
    • Profiles/Text → Fira Code Retina, 13, Use Ligatures
    • Profiles/Terminal → Unlimited Scrollback
    • Profiles/Keys → Hotkey → Opt+Space / Pin / Disable animation
    • Profiles/Advanced → Hide from Menu Bar
    • Option navigation
    • Colors
    • Scrollback
  • oh-my-zsh, .zshrc, pygmalion-custom.theme Dotfiles, ripgrep, jq, fd
  • fzf, /usr/local/opt/fzf/install (Ctrl+R bindings)
  • JDK
  • VSCode + Extensions:
    • Copilot, Atom One Dark theme (Mahmoud Ali), Atom Keymap, vscode-icons, Markdown All-in-One,
    • Python, ESLint, Prettier, Go
    • GitLens, Git History, Code Runner
  • Python -- Miniconda, ipdb, virtualenv, numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, jupyter, jupyter-notebook-viewer
  • node, go
  • neovim, vim-plug, Make vim more like VSCode, vimrc (:PlugInstall)
  • IntelliJ + Plugins
  • Copy ZSH History