- 1
Unfair Advantage in Two Targets
#1133 opened by sanguinerarogue - 1
Rogue - Threat modifier for blunderbuss is incorrect
#1132 opened by fynnen - 1
Crash Report 830122584
#1128 opened by drewdatrip - 0
Purged by Fire aura
#1136 opened by SeriesB - 0
Different ranks with Aq skill books
#1135 opened by GiggidyGamer - 0
Crash Report 1507052377
#1130 opened by Masstachief - 0
- 0
Crash Report 730092198
#1124 opened by marcolow - 0
Crash Report 2134167709
#1123 opened by Goztrak - 1
Mandokir's Sting is not procing on melee
#1116 opened by Hansson921 - 0
Chromatically Tempered Sword and Flashrend are affected differently by Might of Stormwind
#1115 opened by DaveAlessi - 2
Protection Paladin Implementation
#1024 opened by wsphillips - 2
Phase 5: Weapon Effects
#1042 opened by kayla-glick - 0
Phase 5: Trinkets
#1043 opened by kayla-glick - 1
Add Zandalari Hero Charm to the Cooldowns options
#1108 opened by gefthi - 0
Phase 5: General Item Sets
#1039 opened by kayla-glick - 0
Darkmoon Faire Sayge Buffs Incorrect
#1088 opened by sanguinerarogue - 1
Wyvern Strike got buffed
#1105 opened by Hansson921 - 2
Envenom AP scaling should be affected by DP stacks
#1082 opened by thomgoertz - 1
Balefire Bolt Stack Update
#1090 opened by sanguinerarogue - 2
DPS Histogram and Errors with Death in Encounter
#1089 opened by sanguinerarogue - 2
Mage- Heal implementation
#1085 opened by AberrationIV - 0
Melee Hunter T1 2set bonus not simming
#1087 opened by Hansson921 - 2
Balefire Debuff
#1084 opened by AberrationIV - 0
Feral Swipe - Target Mislabelling
#1069 opened by winfamy - 3
- 0
Invocation - Warlock SoD
#994 opened by Maxvla - 0
Crash Report -1704453927
#1068 opened by Cobroz22 - 0
Shield Block Value Multiplier only applies to SBV gained through flat bonuses
#1025 opened by wsphillips - 2
Miss Metrics for AoE Skills Issues
#981 opened by sanguinerarogue - 1
Crash Report -489862906
#1057 opened by OobieWoobies - 1
- 0
Druid Swipe hitting N-1 targets
#1016 opened by winfamy - 3
Missing items: Rage of Mugamba
#1019 opened by shaugen - 0
Melee hunter 2pc & 6pc set bonuses not working
#1013 opened by Kawney - 1
Crash Report -320155265
#1007 opened by Goztrak - 1
Crash Report 516266071
#1008 opened by Goztrak - 1
Crash Report 409573410
#1009 opened by miicka87 - 1
Crash Report -1999082898
#1010 opened by roundchains - 1
Crash Report -40278359
#1011 opened by Masstachief - 1
Crash Report 540584983
#1006 opened by Goztrak - 1
motw cant be turned off
#995 opened by noimlazy - 1
Toughness armor talent doesn't calculate extra armor
#996 opened by mdegann - 1
- 1
Crash Report 158941431
#986 opened by mturekk - 1
Swipe (Cat) not giving Combo Points
#982 opened by Lexolaz - 1
- 5
- 0
Weapon Swaps!
#977 opened by Vancopland - 0
Explosive Shot clips on multidotting
#975 opened by vemboi