Back-projection of high-frequency radiation from earthquake source using multiple arrays. Methodology is based on Ishii (2012). For details see Kumar et al., 2017 [doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw438]
- Matlab
- GMT4
- SEIZMO [] SEIZMO is a toolbox for seismic data porcessing in Matlab and it is mainly used for taup toolkit to calculate travel times of seismic phases.
- Algorithm as follows:
- The source region, surrounding the hypocentre is parameterized as a horizontal plane with grids. The plane is fixed in space at the hypocentral depth.
- The teleseismic P-wave, from each station within the array, is windowed 30 s before and 150 s after the theoretical arrival time computed using the IASP91 velocity model (Kennett &Engdahl1991).
- Within a given array, the windowed P-waves are cross-correlated with a reference station (chosen at the centre of the array) to estimate the time shift required to account for the 3-dimensional variation in the velocity structure.
- Each grid point on the parameterized hypocentral plane is assumed as a potential source and the travel time of P-wave is calculated, using IASP91 velocity model, to all the stations within the array.
- Waveforms from these stations, adjusted by the respective time shifts (computed from cross-correlation), are stacked together,starting from the calculated P-wave arrival time for a given source grid. During stacking, the waveforms are weighted (i) inversely by the density of stations within an array and (ii) by the cross-correlation coefficient (obtained above).
- The weighted stacked energy is then back projected onto the source grid. This procedure is repeated for all potential source grids,for every array.
- Information from all the arrays are combined by following a weighting procedure, where the stack from the hypocentral grid is cross-correlated for each array, with respect to a chosen reference array.
- For every potential source grid, stacked waveforms from each array are adjusted by the estimated time shift and summed by nor-malizing the amplitude.
- For removing the high-frequency artefacts in the stacked waveform at each potential source grid, a 10 s moving averagetime window is applied. In order to test the influence of the moving average time window on the final result, we performed our analysisfor 5, 10, 15 and 20 s time windows. It was observed that the 10 swindow is optimal in removing unwanted high-frequency artefacts,while preserving the necessary details of the source time function(STF).