
⚡️Simple Terminal UI for the Ethereum Blockchain Explorer

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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Table of contents


  • No Browser Required - Use it effortlessly even in environments where browsers are unavailable, such as within servers.
  • Developer Friendly - Operate efficiently using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Easily Switch Endpoints - Switch between endpoints, including Mainnet, Testnets, custom node connections, and even BSC endpoints.


This software has been tested and verified to work correctly on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
  • macOS Ventura 13.2
$ git clone https://github.com/woxjro/lazy-etherscan --recursive
$ cd lazy-etherscan
$ cargo run --

Configurations & Usage

Ethereum Statistics

To see statistics information about Ethereum, you have to set an Etherscan's free API key. You can get it from here. And set it to api_key field in settings.toml. You can use a setting template file (settings.example.toml).

$ mv ./settings.example.toml ./settings.toml


Please check the various settings such as endpoints using the following command:

cargo run -- --help


The basic usage is as follows:

  • Press q to exit lazy-etherscan.
  • Press s to focus on the search bar, where you can perform searches for addresses, blocks, transactions, and more.
  • Press 1 to navigate the "Latest Blocks" panel. Use j to move to a block below and k to an above block.
    • Press r to refresh the "Latest Blocks".
  • Press 2 to navigate the "Latest Transactions" panel. Use j to move to a transaction below and k to move to a transaction above.
    • Press r to refresh the "Latest Transactions".
  • Press <Ctrl+e> to toggle the sidebar.
  • Press <Ctrl+p> to move to a previous screen.


Please see this issue.


This project is currently in the Proof of Concept (PoC) stage. Contributions are kindly requested to be postponed until further notice. Crash reports are welcome, please create an issue to do that.


This project has been developed with a grant from the Ethereum Foundation. demo


lazy-etherscan is written in Rust and is built on top of ratatui. This project is highly inspired by Etherscan, lazygit and spotify-tui.