
Using GNNs for solving the AP and Pilot allocation in Cell-free Massive MIMO Communications

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

GNNs optimization of the AP and Pilot allocation in Cell-Free MIMO Systems


# 20241108: 
    # Added:
        # Include the method main_CDF.py that compute the CDF that generates the values
          to generate the CDF graphs for Optimal, DCC and ALL baselines.   
# 20241109: 
    # Added:
        # Include the Graph_SEs_CDF.py script to generate the graphs for CDF and histogram of 
          number of serving APs. It loads only the values for the Optimal, DCC and ALL baselines. 

# 20241111:
    # Added:
        # Review the main_SampleGenerating.py script to generate the samples for training the GNNs.
        # Include the script functionsGraphHandling.py to handle the buffer of training data, and
            the functions to convert the communication matrices into the graph-structured data.

some # To do: # Work on the script for generating samples for training the GNNs (Done).

Getting Started

Download links:

SSH clone URL: ssh://git@git.jetbrains.space/gtec/drl-sch/Cell-Free.git

HTTPS clone URL: https://git.jetbrains.space/gtec/drl-sch/Cell-Free.git

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