Trinity is a lightweight MVC framework based on Finagle, written in Scala.
Since May 2013
- Provide MVC functions not supported by Finagle.
- Support Domain Driven-Design by non CoC(Convention over Configuration).
- You can use Actions as Controller, instead of Finagle Service.
- URLs can be mapped to action methods, like Scalatra.
- Otherwise, The Routing information can be outside of the Controller, like Play2.
- You can use Template Engine (e.g. Scalatra) with Trinity.
- Routing request to action. return's type is
- Finagle's Request/Response Enhance
- Multi-part file upload
- JSON format reponse
- File resouce support
- Binding to Template Engine
- Scalate
- Velocity TBD
- FreeMarker TBD
- Thymeleaf TBD
- Testing
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- JRebel support
- see this gist for installation.
- Form
- Validation
- Persistence(e.g. RDBMS/NoSQL)
Please add the following configuration to Build.scala.
object AppBuild extends Build {
val root = Project(
id = "app",
base = file("."),
settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
resolvers ++= Seq(
// ...
"Sonatype Snapshot Repository" at "",
"Sonatype Release Repository" at "",
// ...
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// ...
"org.sisioh" %% "trinity-core" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
"org.sisioh" %% "trinity-view-scalate" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT", // optional
// ...
object ScalatraLikeControllerApplication
extends ConsoleApplication {
get("/hello") {
request =>
responseBuilder.withTextPlain("Hello World!!").toFuture
get("/json") {
request =>
val jValue = JObject(
JField("name", JString("value"))
get("/user/:userId") {
request =>
responseBuilder.withTextPlain("userId = " + request.routeParams("userId")).toFuture
get( """/group/(.*)""".r, Seq("name")) {
request =>
ResponseBuilder().withTextPlain("name = " + request.routeParams("name")).toFuture
object PlayLikeApplicationForController extends ConsoleApplication {
case class MainController() extends ControllerSupport {
def helloWorld = SimpleAction {
request =>
responseBuilder.withTextPlain("Hello World!!").toFuture
def getUser = SimpleAction {
request =>
responseBuilder.withTextPlain("userId = " + request.routeParams("userId")).toFuture
def getGroup(name: String) = SimpleAction {
request =>
responseBuilder.withTextPlain("name = " + name).toFuture
val mainController = MainController()
override protected val routingFilter = Some(RoutingFilter.createForActions {
implicit pathPatternParser =>
Get % "/hello" -> mainController.helloWorld,
Get % "/user/:userId" -> mainController.getUser,
Get % ("""/group/(.*)""".r -> Seq("name")) -> {
request =>
$ sbt clean compile
$ sbt run
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:7070/hello