SexyJson is Swift4 json parse open source library quickly and easily, perfect supporting class and struct model, support the KVC model, fully oriented protocol architecture, support iOS and MAC OS X
Objective-c version 👉 WHC_Model
update:Support for compatible swift4.2
- The definition of model must implement SexyJson protocol
- If you have any enumeration type must be specified in the definition of model data type and implementation SexyJsonEnumType protocol
- If you want to use swift3.2, please pod SexyJson '~> 0.0.4'
- iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.11+ / tvOS 9.0+
- Xcode 8.0 or later
- Swift 4.2
- CocoaPods: pod 'SexyJson'
This is an example of json:
let json = "{\"age\":25,\"enmuStr\":\"Work\",\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\",
The model class:
enum WorkEnum: String,SexyJsonEnumType {
case null = "nil"
case one = "Work"
case two = "Not Work"
enum IntEnum: Int,SexyJsonEnumType {
case zero = 0
case hao = 10
case xxx = 20
struct Model :SexyJson {
var age: Int = 0
var enmuStr: WorkEnum!
var url: URL!
var subArray: [SubArray]!
var color: UIColor!
var nestArray: [[NestArray]]?
var enmuInt: IntEnum = .xxx
var sub: Sub!
var height: Int = 0
var intArray: [Int]!
var name: String!
var learn: [String]!
/// Model mapping
public mutating func sexyMap(_ map: [String : Any]) {
age <<< map["age"]
enmuStr <<< map["enmuStr"]
url <<< map["url"]
subArray <<< map["subArray"]
color <<< map["color"]
nestArray <<< map["nestArray"]
enmuInt <<< map["enmuInt"]
sub <<< map["sub"]
height <<< map["height"]
intArray <<< map["intArray"]
name <<< map["name"]
learn <<< map["learn"]
You don't need to manually create the SexyJson model class you can use open source tools with the help of automatically created SexyJson model
Json is converted into a model object(json -> model)
let model = Model.sexy_json(json)
Model object converted into the dictionary(model -> dictionary)
let dictionary = model.sexy_dictionary()
Model object converted into the json string(model -> json)
let jsonStr = model.sexy_json()
SexyJson support json parse the key path
let subArrayModel = SubArray.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "subArray[0]")
let subNestArray = NestArray.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "nestArray[0][0]")
let test = String.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "nestArray[0][0].test")
Json is converted into a model array object(json -> [model])
let arrayModel = [Model].sexy_json(json)
Model object array converted into the array([model] -> array)
let array = arrayModel.sexy_array()
Model object array converted into the json string([model] -> json)
let arrayJson = arrayModel.sexy_json()
SexyJson support model kvc( Model class implement Codable protocol )
let sub = Sub.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "sub")
if let modelCodingData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(modelCoding) {
if let modelUncoding = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Sub.self, from: modelCodingData) {
print("modelUncodingJson = \(modelUncoding.sexy_json()!)")
If you want to view the analytical results, please download this demo to check the specific usage
All source code is licensed under the MIT License.