- 3
When running cron event produces a fatal error, the shutdown function doesn't run
#70 opened by jakubmikita - 0
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
#105 opened by norbertosus - 3
Add --exec=<php-code> argument to wp cron event run
#104 opened by jcvignoli - 5
Suggestion, add a --all flag to wp cron delete
#39 opened by janw-me - 4
Empty error message after action_scheduler_run_queue
#101 opened by ctekk7 - 1
Running wp cron event run wp_site_health_scheduled_check issues requests which are blocked (401)
#68 opened by mic345 - 2
- 3
Feature Request: cron event --exclude
#55 opened by maxledoux - 6
Suggestion, allow deleting specific cron events (using args) with wp cron delete
#79 opened by tylercollier - 1
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
#53 opened by strarsis - 1
Unable to delete cron event
#49 opened by hades200082 - 7
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: date(): Argument #2 ($timestamp) must be of type ?int
#92 opened by barsch - 2
wp cron event run --due-now is not updating timestamps, causing jobs to run multiple times and appear past due
#90 opened by jpSimkins - 1
- 4
- 2
- 2
Laravel style daemon worker
#84 opened by Saggre - 1
- 0
- 0
Misleading documentation for event arguments
#63 opened by johnbillion - 2
- 2
- 0
Adopt and enforce new `WP_CLI_CS` standard
#44 opened by schlessera - 7
- 1
Feature request: Add cron arguments into logging
#41 opened by jordie23 - 3
Uncaught ArgumentCountError with PHP 7.2
#40 opened by B-e-n-G - 0
Incomplete test for alternate cron
#37 opened by schlessera - 0
Automatically rerun failed scenarios
#32 opened by schlessera - 0
Move command over to new v2 structure
#28 opened by schlessera - 3
- 0
Including --due-now with a specific cron event should only run that cron
#10 opened by danielbachhuber - 5
Build failing on PHP 5.3
#1 opened by danielbachhuber