- 2
- 4
make-php - Make output file content pretty
#395 opened by sovetski - 0
make-json --domain flag
#418 opened by drzraf - 1
wp i18n make-pot: Support PHP8 named parameters
#386 opened by lichtmetzger - 13
How to include this into your wp-cli.phar?
#416 opened by carli2 - 14
make-pot not working for my project
#403 opened by SamirDeveloper - 0
PHP deprecated notices in Unit test
#401 opened by ernilambar - 15
Issues parsing PO files without empty lines
#393 opened by liedekef - 1
- 1
Document example of how to format the --headers parameter in the `i18n make-pot` command
#382 opened by helgatheviking - 3
- 2
wp i18n make-php - Expectations
#385 opened by davidwebca - 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
- 8
`make-mo`: Add option to specify filename
#372 opened by marekdedic - 6
PHP Warning: mkdir(): Read-only file system in MakePotCommand.php on line 376
#369 opened by berkbirkan - 1
- 13
Support for `gettext/gettext` `v5`
#303 opened by strarsis - 3
- 0
PHP 8.2 - PHP Deprecated: Use of "static" in callables is deprecated in ...i18n-command/src/IterableCodeExtractor.php on line 245/246
#358 opened by benjaminprojas - 8
Missing file name and line numbers in POT file
#352 opened by maikeoldsea - 2
- 14
`theme.json` not processed: `Theme stylesheet detected. PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()`
#322 opened by strarsis - 11
PHP i18n functions prefixed with a slash are ignored
#344 opened by dgwyer - 8
- 4
Dont apply translators comments multiple times again
#338 opened by kkmuffme - 1
- 5
i18n make-pot database required?
#345 opened by Reaper88 - 3
`Call to undefined method WP_CLI\I18n\MakePotCommand::get_file_data_from_string()` (`wp i18n make-pot`)
#336 opened by strarsis - 7
Add VueJS support to wp i18n make-pot
#326 opened by sourovroy - 3
- 1
wp i18n make-pot not looking for strings in build?
#337 opened by sanzeeb3 - 1
`update-po`: Update/no changes report
#333 opened by strarsis - 1
`update-po`: Preserve unused translations/comments?
#334 opened by strarsis - 3
PHP extractor misses plural strings that use brackets in their discriminator
#295 opened by NielsdeBlaauw - 1
i18n without possible database connection
#325 opened by dtrunk90 - 5
Use i18n schema for block.json from WordPress Core
#287 opened by gziolo - 3
- 3
make-mo command missing from readme
#314 opened by blaasvaer - 4
- 16
An issue in Pot generation with my minified js file
#323 opened by iranimij - 4
- 1
- 4
Extract translatable string from any JSON-Files
#288 opened by leutrimhusaj - 4
- 1
wp i18n make-pot fails with Fragment short syntax
#298 opened by MatzeKitt - 3
- 1