
Robust zero-configuration and low-memory WordPress plugin to keep an eye on error log.

Primary LanguagePHP


Error Log Dashboard Widget is robust zero-configuration and low-memory WordPress plugin to keep an eye on error log.

Logging errors is recommended best practice, even for production site. Checking those logs however might seem like a chore.

The widget brings latest entries from error log right to WordPress dashboard:

  • log file is detected automatically from configuration;
  • only end of file is read - no memory overflow issues, safe for large logs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which log is monitored?

Log file path is read from error_log PHP setting, which can be configured by WordPress or otherwise. Additional logs can be monitored by filtering list on error_log_widget_logs hook.

Why so many/few lines?

Filter error_log_widget_lines hook to control how many lines you want to see.

Will everyone see the widget?

Only users with manage_options capability (Administrators) will see the widget. You can change this by filtering error_log_widget_capability hook.



  • moved source to GitHub/Packagist


  • (bugfix) fixed strict error notice for WordPress 3.6


  • (bugfix) fixed errors on invalid and empty log files


  • (bugfix) fixed memory leak in last_lines() function


  • Initial release.